Droids Vlix Unproduced Figure

Boba Fett

Active Hunter
I was wondering if I could get some info from some of you that might know. I've got a Droids Vlix Unproduced Figure that is new in the card from Kenner 1985. I've been looking for weeks to find out how much it is worth, but so far I have come up with nada. Can anyone help me out? Here is the info on the figure:

This carded sample (made using a proof card) features the blister card artwork that was planned to be used for the U.S. release of the figure. It depicts the Vlixster off to the left of the bubble, with his arms crossed and scowling. As for the figure itself, it's a Dynacast hardcopy, meaning it's freakin' heavy. It's seriously hard to keep this thing contained behind that flimsy plastic bubble. And speaking of the bubble, it's huge-- it takes a lot of space to hold a figure as big as Vlix. It's been hand-applied to the card using the standard Kenner double-sided tape. Oh yeah, the coin is also included in this package. As far as unproduced Droids figures go, it doesn't get much better than this.

Here is a link to the card:

Type in "Brian's Toys" on the net. It will take you to his website. Then type in Vlix. If you have the real deal, it's worth a lot of money. I would sell it in a heart beat if I had it. I would then buy something else I have always wanted!!!!!!!!
they're pretty hard to come by. Just a few were "accidentally" released, mainly in south america if I remember correctly. If it's legit you could get a pretty substatial amount for it.
Thanks guys that's good to know. Yeah it's legit and still in the packaging. I've got like 5 other characters from the Droids series as well. Thank you for the info. I thought that the Glasslite was supposed to be harder to find than the Kenner for some reason.
Insane. Rebelscum.com is your best bet for info as well as www.theswca.com . There are maybe a couple of these known to exist on the card, and the mock-up I couldn't even guess at. Brian's Toys is worthless, their prices rarely reflect market value and this is too rare to even have an active market.

Upwards of 5 figures easy if this is legit and the condition is as good as it looks. This was released in Brazil only and very few were ever released. You'll have to get a pro to authenticate before even trying to sell it. Tom Derby is your guy. www.collectinvest.com

I don`t think I`ve ever seen one in that good of condition.

I gotta ask, and you don`t have to be specific....how did you get one?

Spend some time in Brazil?

description and picture are identical, were you just using that as an example? If so can we see pictures of the actual piece you have?
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