Fiberglass weight

Dark Jedi

Active Hunter
Hi guys,

I am working on some proton packs for me and my friends for halloween. I just finished making the positive mold and will be starting the rubber negative when the supplies arrive. I plan to make the shells out of fiberglass, but instead of buying the small packs from the automotive store I was planning to buy bulk online.

Does anybody know what weight of fabric is equivalent to the bondo fiberglass or what is best for making a fiberglass shell from?

Thanks in advance
???? Not sure why you need to know the weight ratio for the the fiberglass cloth, as you just paint the resin onto the rubber mold and lay the cloth on.

All you need is the cheap boat resin and the fiberglass cloth or matte from Home Depot. Cut up the cloth or pull apart the matte cloth into pieces mix the resin with the hardener
and wetten the cloth down with the resin and a throw away brush, start placing it over the silicone mold until entirely covered in how ever many sections your doing (1 piece, 2 piece....etc)
Ye.. the weight comes from the resin.. not the FG cloth / matte

I say do like Tim Allen says.. get the matte stuff and throw it in a bucket with the resin. add the catalyst, stir and apply to the inside of the rubber mold. You might want to do the bottom first and the sides one by one letting each side dry properly before moving on to the next. (assuming that you have a jacket for the mold)
With around 100 gr - 150 gr of resin I do a Jango cod, if that gives you an idea :thumbsup: For the shell you should use poliester resin.
Fiber glass cloth itself comes in various weights such as 4 oz or 10 oz to indicate how thing the fabric is and howlarge the weave is. Lighter smaler numbers indicate a fabric similar to silk while larger numbers indicate fabric like heavy wool. What i am trying to figure out is what weight of fabric the bondo brand cloth is since it has a good ballance of thisckness and bendability, and I would like to buy bulk since 3 proton packs will use quite a bit of material.
get fiberglass matte not cloth. The fiberglass cloth is made for doing patches up on cars and so forth. You'll have to individually cut each piece of cloth where is the fiberglass matte is just pulled apart using your hands. I typically just pulled apart a bunch of medium sized pieces and small sized pieces before I begin mixing my resin. Pull apart more pieces then you'll need just so your covered as once you mix the resin and hardener your on the clock.
get fiberglass matte not cloth. The fiberglass cloth is made for doing patches up on cars and so forth. You'll have to individually cut each piece of cloth where is the fiberglass matte is just pulled apart using your hands. I typically just pulled apart a bunch of medium sized pieces and small sized pieces before I begin mixing my resin. Pull apart more pieces then you'll need just so your covered as once you mix the resin and hardener your on the clock.

I use both....although I don't use fiberglass as much as I used to.

I usually gel coat, then use the cloth as i can cut the exact shapes i need, then use the matte as I can just pull and fill things in as needed.

If you want to buy in bulk just go online, you can buy the stuff found in stores for case price. You'll still save money. You can also get the non-bondo brand in bigger rolls...but I've never done that.
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