
Well my vote would be for Dutch's design and Shinobi_Fett's MLB Boba but prob just plain white shirt.
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I really dig Dutch's design as well as the one with all the random symbols on the back, and if you replaced the bantha skull with the pre-pro skull that would jump to my favorite!
Can we just set this up as a Poll Question?

A good idea on the surface, but it often leads to polarization and bad feelings because someone's design won't get voted for as much as someone else's design and feelings get hurt. As has always been done in the past, the admins are looking at the designs and will make a decision on what best represents TDH. That way, if someone's design isn't chosen, they can blame the admins instead of blaming their fellow TDH members for not voting for them!
Here is my idea for the front......with the TDH logo on the back


Wildabeast, that is a really cool idea! And for those asking if we are still taking submissions, we are always open to your ideas. I think the admins have two-three shirts picked out right now, but we would love to produce more in the future, so keep the ideas coming!
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