Me in my finished (mostly) beskar!

Demagol Aran

New Hunter
Hello all! A'den and I finished up my armor today! Well most of it... I am still missing gloves and boots (I had to borrow A'den's ;)) and a few other odds and ends... but anyway, here are some pics!





Demagol out...
Well... I'm a big Metroid fan, and Samus was my inspiration for several pieces in my armor (such as my grieves :D) and rather than having the Fett symbol on my chest, I figured I'd put in the Chozo symbol, aka the screw attack emblem...:)
ha ha, figures. Great idea. It's nice to see where people get their inspiration from and how they use it in other projects.

Keep it up!!
wats the armor made of

since dem isnt on that often, i'll answer that. We have sinta for the upper body and torso pieces; Steel grieves and backplate; Fiberglass thigh armour; and the bracers are leather with sintra this picture he isnt wearing his gauntlets. hopefully he'll post pics of those soon...
since dem isnt on that often, i'll answer that. We have sinta for the upper body and torso pieces; Steel grieves and backplate; Fiberglass thigh armour; and the bracers are leather with sintra this picture he isnt wearing his gauntlets. hopefully he'll post pics of those soon...
Excuse me... I'll have you know that I'm on here every day...

I just don't always log in...:p
Looks good! I like the kamas idea. I haven't seen too many mandos with a kamas and my girlfriend thought I was weird for wanting one whenever I make mine
Go for it dude! Kamas ROCK! Except for when you try to explain it to people... I got laughed at by the little old ladies at Joanns that cut the fabric for me when I explained what I was going to use it for...:(:lol: Everybodies a critic...
I really like your armor, well done. For a while now I've seen some people with that gun and always wondered where they had gotten it. It wasn't until the other day when I was at Wal-Mart with a friend of mine when I saw the Nerf gun that they used. I'm eventually going to get it because I like the way it looks. :)
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