ESB Helmet Vents / Cuircuit Board Knobs


Active Hunter
I've seen the photos of the ROTJ helmet...heck, I've seen it in person! Does the ESB helmet have the curcuit board peaking through the vent? And does it have the "knobs" poking through? Were those knobs/rods/dials whatever added to the curcuit board? I haven't seen a thread that discusses this element.


Great thread though. Art is THE man. Now I have to go back and reconfirm that my upcoming FPH has those knobs on the circuit board before it's installed.

Art, was there ever anything conclusive about the exact make of the knobs on the ROTJ MQ-1 boards?? They almost look like valve stem caps from a bike tire.....




Can anyone confirm this??
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My thinking is that these are some kind of turn knob for a vintage Oscilloscope - these are red anodized aluminium. (Just my thoughts) :)
The center of the keyslots are about 5/16" tall, and most valve stem caps run 3/8"; the knobs in the above photo look to be a lot smaller, maybe 3/16" or so...
When I first saw them way back, I thought they looked like the poles under an old TV dial. When you take the dial off the TV, that's the pole that is left sticking out. But I think what's on the helmet would be too small for that.

I just looked through the pics in the gallery. And i found this clear pic of the knobs. It looks like it is a print on the head of both knobs that seems to be "15", the number 15..
Does anyone else see this?


I would say it is most probably a knurled screw... 15 or 1.5 might be a dimension in millimeters...

Might also come from the Revell V8 model from which other greeblies came from (or dentistry parts).
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