I met the man himself!!!


Jr Hunter
Oh man I met JB at ShevaCon over the weekend,,I must say he is one of the coolest I've met,Defintely in my top 10 of the best times in my life,I know some of you OG's met him all ready from what I've read and seen on here,, you guys are right he is so down to earth,,I got him to sign some stuff,,I even tried to trade him a gold coin concept boba for some signed pics but his wife was like you all ready got 1 :lol: so he signed it for me and said something I wont repeat :eek:,,plus I got other goodies from him signed,,going to get 1 of my pics framed this weekend,,I might mail him the gold coin concept boba to him,,wonder if he still wants it after he signed it :lol:,,,or I'll trade 1 of you knuckleheads for something,,,we also talked about a certain propmaker on here!! won't say who,,but was talked about you highly!!!!!

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Yep, we all had an awesome weekend with Jeremy and Maurine at SheVaCon. Mercs as well as some of the NC/VA 501st members took them out to dinner on Friday night. Jeremy's panel was standing room only (if you were lucky) on Saturday.

Jeremy donated quite a few autographed pictures to the Mercs "Help a Verd'ika" christmas fund for underprivileged children. We also bought a copy of "Flying Solo" with a special thank you written inside from Jeremy that we will be raffling off at a convention in the near future.

I think one of the funniest parts of the weekend was actually on the last day. I found out Jeremy and I both shared a dislike for snakes...but his wife Maurine didn't mind them!


My girlfriend brought her baby ball pythons so they wouldn't get to cold staying home with the heat pads off. -.-

Let me tell you that Jeremy LOVES his armor also. We spoke about it a few times at dinner about how his wife had to learn how to dress him in it and such. It was great!


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JB is the man, very nice and polite, he did me a big favor sighning a MQ Boba for my friend Dillon.i will never for get that as long as i live, i cant wait to see him and give him that fett,im pretty sure he'll flip.
Yeah Jeremy is great. He'll talk to you about anything. A few of us got to eat dinner with him(I got to sit beside him he he) and he asked me how he should have his steak cooked, since he liked it pink, but the resuraunt suggested medium rare lol. He told me the only reason he's an actor is because he failed getting into sports collage for soccer lol. I hope that I get to meet him again someday and catch up! I'll never forget my time with Boba Fett.
I too met both Jeremy and his lovely wife. They are both good people. I even got the chance to share a pint with them at our 501st mixer at last years FanExpo in Toronto.



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Ah, OK. Seems weird that they would have a Con out there instead of Richmond or something. But that'll be within driving distance once I get back to the states.

Its pretty much the biggest con in western VA if I'm not mistaken. This was our first year going, and there was around 12 of us there from Talon clan and VA. We'll be there next year again, so come out and hang with us, Garrison Tyranus, and Freedom Base for the weekend. =)
yeah Eric you got to come out,,like we talked before your like 25 mins from were I'm at,,and yes the Mando Mercs were taking over the con,,lol,,evertime I looked around,,there were more of them,,
yeah Eric you got to come out,,like we talked before your like 25 mins from were I'm at,,and yes the Mando Mercs were taking over the con,,lol,,evertime I looked around,,there were more of them,,

we're good like that, reinforcements are never far away muahahahaha
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