Jet Pack Waist Strap Belt Buckle Discussion

Mr No Stripes

Active Hunter
Rocket Pack Waist Strap Belt Buckle Discussion

I know that most believe the belt used was the U.S. Divers KAM 'EZ' PAK Belt Buckle, but I've been looking at reference pictures, and I haven't really found any good shots of the belt buckle at all to make a comparison. Seems to be hidden. Does anyone have a good reference picture for the belt?
hey brother, regardless of what brand the buckle is, if you are looking for an awesome replica, korn3000 makes these by hand, and does an outstanding job on's the link if you havent already seen his work...

i dont have any ref pics, but got one of these buckles and they are fantastic!
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I have a buckle and some belt material, but unsure on how to attach it. There is not enough material to just wrap it around my body. I was thinking of cutting it and attaching one side each to the rear edge of the pack and buckling it in front. Any suggestions?
I have a buckle and some belt material, but unsure on how to attach it. There is not enough material to just wrap it around my body. I was thinking of cutting it and attaching one side each to the rear edge of the pack and buckling it in front. Any suggestions?

you got it brother!! :thumbsup: i would attach it more towards the middle bottom of the pack, and then it comes around your waist and meets at the buckle..:)
I have a buckle and some belt material, but unsure on how to attach it. There is not enough material to just wrap it around my body. I was thinking of cutting it and attaching one side each to the rear edge of the pack and buckling it in front. Any suggestions?

Can you not just get some more material that is long enough?

Depending on your harness you can just wear the belt and buckle and not attach it to your pack at all.
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