Request to borrow Vader suit *some pics added*


Well-Known Hunter
Hey all,

There is going to be an event coming up on the 22nd of this month. The event is going to be a birthday/fundraising event at a local science museum. While, the number of troopers signed up for this is small, they specifically requested stormtroopers and a Vader. I know this request is almost last minute and very unusual, but we want to throw this out anyways for the heck of it. As it stands, we will only have 2 RFT's, 1 stormtrooper, possible TD possible Tusken, but set for only 3 troopers as of now.

If anyone is willing to allow us to borrow their suit, it would be greatly appreciated. The movie version is not important, but must be able to fit someone 6'6" tall between 275-300lbs in size. I can assure proper handling and care for the suit, and ensure no damage or the like occurs. I ALWAYS treat other's props with great care and cautiousness. Preferably in the north Florida area, georgia/alabama

We feel that this will really make the kid's and parents really happy since these two characters are their favorites. Thank you!

Well, I actually just went by a local costume shop, I wanted to see about renting out of of their rubies supreme costumes (Yea, I know, Rubies) but for being short notice, it's not that bad of an option in the long run.

They basically wanted $150 for rental PLUS $750 for a deposit.

Yea, so much for that. They let me try it on at least. The thing fit me perfectly.
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I guess they don't know that the suit does not cost $750 anymore. You can get it alot cheaper. That's a rip off to rent a Rubies Vader for $150 and then have you put down a deposit of $750.
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Just go as a TIE pilot, everytime I go to an event and someone is wearing one, they get called Darth Vader. LOL at a past event one of our members wore a gold Cylon costume and got called C-3PO and the Gold Power Ranger.
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I want to thank The_Hunter_of_Bounties for lending me is rubies supreme vader for this troop, I know that it'll make the kids very happy! This is the test fit today, gotta re-adjust the chest box, and have someone present to actually help me put it on :lol:

I had to pick up a rubies helmet today. It's kinda funny, it was this helmet thats been sitting at sam goody for literally 2 years, no one wanted it I guess. I've always seen it and commented on how it was "rubies" but I guess it's kinda funny, that when I needed it, it was still there! It was on clearence, marked down from $150, to $24!! Talk about some luck!

Anyways, some semi-decent pics after I managed to put it on by myself lol



Now, I don't necessarily have apropriate boots for Vader, so I'm using my army class A dress shoes, and having the shins cover the gap (like how some do with the clone/tk armor) I think it looks decent for last minute. Nice and shiny...


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Nice! Not bad for a last minute and $24 is a great deal for that helmet. The kids will probably never forget it. :)
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Nice! Not bad for a last minute and $24 is a great deal for that helmet. The kids will probably never forget it. :)

Yea, I just went to the museum (where the B-day/fundraiser event is going to be held) and I met the parents heading the whole party. They seem estatic, and kept mentioning, "He's going to be Vader!!!"
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Glad to help out Chris. I hope the kids had a blast,after all it's all about the inner kid in us all. Sorry about the helmet being small but if ya didn't have such a big noggin probably would of been fine lol. Anyways glad to help out and ya got it in time and all went well for ya. Post some pics of the party for us all will ya.
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I am so glad that The_Hunter_of_Bounties let you use his suit!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: thats very cool of him!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: I hope we can see some pics from the event!!! :love:love:love
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Hey I wanted to chime in here and THANK YOU The_Hunter_of_Bounties!!!! I am the contact for this troop and been in touch with the family for about a month now. They were always intrested to see who I can rangle up character wise and when I told them about a Vader they were EXCITED and I know it will make his day even more so special!!! Don't worry, there will be plenty of pics....(also I am going as an RFT so you can only assume what pics will be of me and Tuba in his vader:lol:). Thank you again, I can not thank you enough and the family as well thanks you deeply.
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Glad to help out Chris. I hope the kids had a blast,after all it's all about the inner kid in us all. Sorry about the helmet being small but if ya didn't have such a big noggin probably would of been fine lol. Anyways glad to help out and ya got it in time and all went well for ya. Post some pics of the party for us all will ya.

No problem man, it led me to get the rubies helmet, so that's going to be my next major project, fixing it up and making it a better helmet!
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Hey guys

Well, the troop was a major success! We had 3 TD's (one was a clean one though :lol: ), an RFT (IrishFett), one jedi, and myself! Had a great time, the party itself was reall cool. Whole star wars theme, and the mother really went all out and was very creative with everything. All the parents kept asking the other troopers if I was wearing lifts the whole time to make me taller lol

I'm happy to say that after it all, the mother came up to and told us that she had asked her son what his favorite part of the party was, and he said "Darth Vader" :P

So much thanks again to The_Hunter_of_Bounties for lending over the suit. Felt great (despite fogged lenses) trooping in it. Can't wait to put a vader together for myself!

IrishFett will be uploading pics later on!

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Here's some ideas for you guys wanting some creative party snacks :lol: We saw these at the party today

(My favorite so far) "Death star Cheese ball" cracker spread

-Lightsaber pretzel sticks...One end covered with some aluminum foil, and the rest covered in red/blue/green icing

-Darth Maul/Sith donuts-Regular donuts with a red and black icing design

-Animal crackers (relabled as "Ewok cookies")
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Here is Tuba in the Vader suit. Vader really made the party and thanks again for lending the suit out!!! It really was a great troop and we all had a fun time. Hopefully next time you see me in a troop I will not be in my RFT but will be in my Boba!!
Cheers all!!

Hey can anyone se the pic I posted above?? I dont know if it is my com or what but the image has that little red "x" in the white box. Not sure if it is just me. If it is messed up for everyone else, I'll post a photobucket link soon for you all to check out some of the pics from the event. Cheers again!
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