Check list idea?


Well-Known Hunter
What would everyone think of a checklist option that could be added to our control panel?

You could specify what costume you have and keep track of what parts you have quickly on the board or other details.

Might be something we should just do ourselves in Excel, but I think it'd be cool to have it incorporated into the site.

I have an ESB costume. Off the top of my head the checklist would go:

Helmet [x]
Neckseal [x]
Vest [x]
Jumpsuit [x]
Collar Armor [x]
Shoulder Bell [x]
Cape [x]
Wookie Braids [x]
Chest Armor [x]
Chest Display [x]
Back Plate [x]
Jet Pack [x]
Girth Belt [x]
Ammo Belt [x]
Utility Pouches [x]
Cod [x]
Kidney Plate [x]
Holster [x]
Sidearm [x]
Gauntlets [x]
Gloves [x]
Blaster Rifle [x]
Knees [x]
Shin Tools [x]
Ankle Ties [x]
Boots [x]

You could even get more detailed with some things

Helmet [x]
Visor [x]
Aluminum Stalk [x]
Rangefinder [x]
MQ-1 [x]
Ear Set [x]

Heck, I'll be bored this week and I'll make up something.

Gauntlets [x]
Flamethrower [x]
Calculator Pad [x]
Gauntlet Missile [x]
Gauntlet Darts [x] [x] [x] [x]

List of Additional parts : Stabilizer, Beacon, Gauntlet Darts, Gauntlet Missile, Jet Pack Greeblies, etc. etc.

I think it'd be fun, post your ideas or if I forgot something
Very cool idea, especially for those of us just starting out on our costumes. May help us feel better about the arduous journey ahead....or worse. I think an addition should be made to the list though, beside every part put a box where you could enter the maker of each piece (just a text box not a pulldown, cause obviously a lot of people would be putting their own names in for the stuff they scratch build.) That way you could keep track of where you got each piece of your costume as well.
You should make a main piece and then subpieces per main one.
*BOOTS*[ ]
-boot spikes[ ]

other things you could put on there.
boot spikes
gauntlet toggle switches
collar studs
Hmm. I could see about 3 software apps in this that would be useful. interesting.. Especially if done right.

Heck, if I had visual basic on my computer right now I could program something in a day that has everything and could save the data to a microsoft access file so no info is lost after quitting.

I think it'd be a nice thing for Fett costumers whether it is part of the site or seperate.

That way, people can keep track of their costume, when they got parts, who made them. Maybe a want list for upgrades.

lots of possibilities
That way, people can keep track of their costume, when they got parts, who made them. Maybe a want list for upgrades.

Ok that is /very/ interesting to me. One thing I do like to track is what I have and where it came from. I haven't been as diligent about writing it all down though as I might like to have been. This would be kind of cool.

Heck I'd probably even keep track of what I've spent on each component just so I know how much my bank account wept at the end of it all. ;-)
You can download visual studio express and get started for free:)

Its got everything youll need except visual source safe.

if you need help let me know. thats what i do 10 hours a day:)
this would be a very good idea, it would be alot better than the piece of paper ive scribbled everthing down on :lol:

Would be very cool if it worked out a percentage of how much is done, dont know how that would work, but would be cool :thumbsup:
I was thinking of something far more useful. Make it a public list of parts you want/need. Then members who make said parts could look at it and know who may be interested in a run of those parts.
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