WIP: Clone Trooper Armor Templates.


Active Hunter
Hey guys,

I just wanted to through something of mine into this new Clone section.

I've been working on trying to make some templates for the Clone Trooper so people can make their own armor if they choose. I tried this out for my custom Mando and it worked really well. Halo costumers are getting great results too so I wanted to get clone armor out there.

It was modelled in 3D and is now gonna be unfolded using cardmodel software the same way I do all my templates. It's gonna be a long build I think to get it right but the way I've done it should make fibreglassing and smoothing out alot easier.

Anyway, here's some pics:



Unfolding all this will take some time so I'll update again when I have more. I hope to follow up with TCW clone armor and eventually RC armor too.
I'm not sure to be honest buddy. I sell most of my work, with my Halo stuff being free at the 405th, and my Fett/Mando kit being free here and at the Mercs forum.

So I'm not sure whether to sell it with the rest or not.
I'm not sure to be honest buddy. I sell most of my work, with my Halo stuff being free at the 405th, and my Fett/Mando kit being free here and at the Mercs forum.

So I'm not sure whether to sell it with the rest or not.
Did you get this model from Emilio or did someone else send it to you.
The 3dworld like the prop world is kind of finicky about things like this. I would shoot him an e-mail if your planning on producing this for profit or even just as a courtesy to let him know what you are doing. Just some food for thought.

Plus the original model Emilio did needs alot of work to make it "Accurate" to a costume to wear.
Sorry? Emilio??

I know all about the 3D world my friend being a member of various forums. Though I don't really visit them these days, too busy with my own projects.

I was sent a 3D model by some via email who asked if I could use the model to make armor templates. I looked at the model but it was far too high poly to be used as it was, plus it wasn't my work to begin with. So I used the model as a template if you like to model my own from scratch. Closely following the original model, yet modelling my own, more simplified version over it. Deleting the original model as I went. I posted this on my blog days ago when I first mentioned the project. I don't take other peoples work and try to pass it off as my own, in fact I have strong feelings against that sort of thing. I most certainly wouldn't do it to make money. If you look at my blog you'll see that all of my work is my own. I constantly show WIP pics to demonstrate how I approach each model. Using another model as a base from which to model my own made it easier than starting completely from scratch using picture reference.

I'm also a member at various papermodelling forums, that's how I first learned how to do this. I designed papermodels before doing costume stuff. Go to Zealot, cardmodels forum and look me up, I have the same username there. Again, you'll find many projects there and progress pics showing my work started from the beginning to the end. Clearly proving that I am capable of doing this without cheating.

I have no idea who this Emilio is buddy but trust me, this is not his work. There are many people here who can vouch for me and my integrity. ;)

I see you don't post here often so maybe you haven't seen my other threads here so I'll try not to be offended at what you're suggesting. ;)
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Sorry? Emilio??

I know all about the 3D world my friend being a member of various forums. Though I don't really visit them these days, too busy with my own projects.

I was sent a 3D model by some via email who asked if I could use the model to make armor templates. I looked at the model but it was far too high poly to be used as it was, plus it wasn't my work to begin with. So I used the model as a template if you like to model my own from scratch. Closely following the original model, yet modelling my own, more simplified version over it. Deleting the original model as I went. I posted this on my blog days ago when I first mentioned the project. I don't take other peoples work and try to pass it off as my own, in fact I have strong feelings against that sort of thing. I most certainly wouldn't do it to make money. If you look at my blog you'll see that all of my work is my own. I constantly show WIP pics to demonstrate how I approach each model. Using another model as a base from which to model my own made it easier than starting completely from scratch using picture reference.

I'm also a member at various papermodelling forums, that's how I first learned how to do this. I designed papermodels before doing costume stuff. Go to Zealot, cardmodels forum and look me up, I have the same username there. Again, you'll find many projects there and progress pics showing my work started from the beginning to the end. Clearly proving that I am capable of doing this without cheating.

I have no idea who this Emilio is buddy but trust me, this is not his work. There are many people here who can vouch for me and my integrity. ;)

I see you don't post here often so maybe you haven't seen my other threads here so I'll try not to be offended at what you're suggesting. ;)

I guess. I was mistaken based on my number of posts you must not have gotten this from someone in not the origional author.:confused What does posting count have to do with you taking a model. Changing it and calling it your own. You stated in your blog that
"Skip said...

Thanks alot bro. Yeah, I was lucky enough to be sent a good model that served as the base for this. Remodelling it was much easier than trying to do it from scratch."

I don't want this to turn into a "Thing" but words like "Buddy" and "my Friend" don't do justice to your cause.
Fact-This model wan not modeled by you. maybe changed a bit but not modeled by you.
Fact- The gentleman that made the model's name is Emilio Lorenzo-That is not your name
Fact- if you contacted him, he would have said "Go ahead" I'm sure.

Fact-The elbows are not accurate by any-means and coincidentally yours are the same -Wire for wire,Vertex for Vertex.

Many people have used his model for exactly what you are doing. None have tried to make money without asking for permission(and in some cases compensating him accordingly)

And on a complementary note. your work in the "card stock" field is amazing. No one is saying your not capable of doing this kind of work. I have seen your work many times. Truly exquisite, I would not taint it by pulling something like this.
You're twisting my words slightly there. Using a quote to imply that I've admitted to ripping off some elses work. That's bad form.

Yes, I said that. However I also said it here in my last post. I've admitted to using another model as a base, a template from which to model my own. I've said that already. In the quote you used I said, "Easier than trying to do it from scratch." I was referring to modelling it completely from scratch using only picture reference. I was not implying that I used the original model and "tweaked" it. I followed alot of the original wireframe, though reduced the number of faces as I went to make it more suitable for this purpose. So it's no wonder that both models are very similar, however they are not exactly the same at all.

I call everyone buddy. :) It's just a figure of speech, nothing more.

I never claimed to be Emilio Lorenzo, I had no idea he modelled the original model. If I had he'd have been credited for his original work. The model is NOT excactly the same at all. I went to extreme measures to avoid copying the model point by point, "wire for wire, vertex for vertex". Look at them both. Mine has a considerably lower poly count, The ab plate is different and extended to cover the belly rather than using a belt like the original model, I have a lower back plate, the original model I was sent did not, the back plate has no raised collar like the original, I modelled belt pouches unlike the original I recieved. If you were to be able to see closer you'll see just how different mine is in the details. Mine is much more simplified as I said before.

The elbows are practically identical as I was modelling using ONLY the original model as reference as it seemed very accurate to me when I first looked at it.

I can't stress enough how much I am not ripping off someone elses work. I have never done that and have even helped to stop that kind of thing. I did not want to get into a long debate over this, only to say that you were mistaken.

Bottom line is:

Yes, I used another 3D model as my main source of reference. No, I did NOT use it in an attempt to pass it off as my own.

If you choose not to believe me then that's fine. I don't think there's anything else I can say about the matter.
You're twisting my words slightly there. Using a quote to imply that I've admitted to ripping off some elses work. That's bad form.

Yes, I said that. However I also said it here in my last post. I've admitted to using another model as a base, a template from which to model my own. I've said that already. In the quote you used I said, "Easier than trying to do it from scratch." I was referring to modelling it completely from scratch using only picture reference. I was not implying that I used the original model and "tweaked" it. I followed alot of the original wireframe, though reduced the number of faces as I went to make it more suitable for this purpose. So it's no wonder that both models are very similar, however they are not exactly the same at all.

I call everyone buddy. :) It's just a figure of speech, nothing more.

I never claimed to be Emilio Lorenzo, I had no idea he modelled the original model. If I had he'd have been credited for his original work. The model is NOT excactly the same at all. I went to extreme measures to avoid copying the model point by point, "wire for wire, vertex for vertex". Look at them both. Mine has a considerably lower poly count, The ab plate is different and extended to cover the belly rather than using a belt like the original model, I have a lower back plate, the original model I was sent did not, the back plate has no raised collar like the original, I modelled belt pouches unlike the original I recieved. If you were to be able to see closer you'll see just how different mine is in the details. Mine is much more simplified as I said before.

The elbows are practically identical as I was modelling using ONLY the original model as reference as it seemed very accurate to me when I first looked at it.

I can't stress enough how much I am not ripping off someone elses work. I have never done that and have even helped to stop that kind of thing. I did not want to get into a long debate over this, only to say that you were mistaken.

Bottom line is:

Yes, I used another 3D model as my main source of reference. No, I did NOT use it in an attempt to pass it off as my own.

If you choose not to believe me then that's fine. I don't think there's anything else I can say about the matter.

I laid your chest(From your blog image) over his epII chest and with the exception you omitted the backkfaces, and cleaned up the excess "Meshsmooth" vertexes, it lays wire for wire and vertex for vertex from the groove in the center to the armpit. If you a willing to post a high res pic of the pink wire framed model(From your blog), I am will to discredit you in high res. I have no wish(nor did I begin with the wish) get into a war with you I just think your not giving enough credit to the original model that exists inside your model. Moving a couple of vertexes,Deleting back faces, and refacing some things, does not constitute using the original model as a reference. It is cleaning up Emilio's model and turning it into a Pep model(Not a trivial task either, as you know)

It is no different than taking a 3dscanner to a helmet and saying its an orional mold made by you. You still have to clean it up to make the rapidprototype. but it doesn't mean you made it, you just converted it
I can't give proper credit to someone if I had no idea who they were. I told you I was sent this by another person and they told me they had no idea who it belonged to.

I've admitted to using his model as the base. It seems that no matter what I say you just take it as another log to the fire. Perhaps if this thread is closed it would be for the best. It's no longer serving a purpose other than to encourage you to continue trying to dirty my name.
Reading through this, I am not sure why there is an issue... Skupilkinson said he created his model (sorry, all that tech-jargon is over my head) based heavily on a model he was given, but didn't have the name of the original model creator. Apparently, ZeroVisibilite knows the original model designer, Emilio Lorenzo. So, I guess the question is, does Emilio care that the work Skupilkinson has done is in some way a derivative of his work? It doesn't seem that Skupilkinson was trying to hide anything, but simply didn't know the original modeller and I would assume he would now be willing to give Emilio credit for the base model, yes? If so, is there still an issue? Just my thoughts.
Reading through this, I am not sure why there is an issue... Skupilkinson said he created his model (sorry, all that tech-jargon is over my head) based heavily on a model he was given, but didn't have the name of the original model creator. Apparently, ZeroVisibilite knows the original model designer, Emilio Lorenzo. So, I guess the question is, does Emilio care that the work Skupilkinson has done is in some way a derivative of his work? It doesn't seem that Skupilkinson was trying to hide anything, but simply didn't know the original modeler and I would assume he would now be willing to give Emilio credit for the base model, yes? If so, is there still an issue? Just my thoughts.

Exactly! :thumbsup:
Skip is a stand up guy and has done some great stuff for the DIY Fett...

Things like this happen allot on 'other' forums and if it's starting to happen here on the TDH then I'm being turned off by the whole thing. :facepalm
Thanks for the support Mojo! :) It's good to have it.

Art, That's the way I see it. I don't think I've done anything wrong here. Had I known that Emilio Lorenzo was the original creator then he would of course have been credited for the original model. I've tried to hide nothing from you guys.
Lets not minsce words here.
"based" is not what this is. This is the origional model is still there just sanded.
I don't know why character references are even being given. Nobody said Skip wasn't a" Stand up Guy" or that he intentionally did anything. But before I made light of this. Everyone who posted above and has seen his blog was under the assumption that "HE" not Emilio made the model he is using. Nobody said he couldn't use it. I don't have permission to say one way or another if he can or cannot. I am saying if your going to try to make money, which was the original concept then you better let the guy who made it know.

"Skupilkinson said he created his model (sorry, all that tech-jargon is over my head) based heavily on a model he was given"
He didn't Base it, It wasn't inspired by, it wasn't even modeled after. It was a polygon slim down to make it easier to unfold. Not a remodel. When the final model started was it a blank screen? NOPE. it was Emilio's model and Skip deleted from and added to. It's no different than using a Fang helmet as a Base to fix something you don't like about it(Lets say the ears) then casting the whole darn thing and saying you "based" the helmet or Derived it from a Fang helmet
I guess it only matters if the DIY community gets what they want. not if its stolen work or recast or illicitly gotten

I don't think this is a clone issue, but if the best people have to offer is snide comments about the mentality of certain groups then the clone forum wont be the end of this board its the existing people that click together without even thinking of the reason why there doing it.:(

Oh whel
ZeroVisibilite, I certainly don't want to become the arbitrator of this issue, but I see your point very clearly. This is one of those areas that some people would consider grey, but I think your analogy of reworking a Sgt Fang is pretty applicable in this situation. The ultimate answer is, if you don't know the source of a work and can't get permission to use it, then don't use it. I am sure some of this will come down to whether this is, as you say, a rework instead of a "based on" effort. Some would even say you shouldn't "base" your work on someone else's. Tough call and a source for where we see a lot of accusations of recasting come from. This seems like a very unfortunate situation and while I am no judge, I would think the best course of action at this point, would be to contact the original creator of the model and see if he is ok with what is being done. I know it is after-the-fact, but it is better than nothing and will help keep there from being a shadow on this work. Again, just my thoughts.
ZeroVisibilite, I certainly don't want to become the arbitrator of this issue, but I see your point very clearly. This is one of those areas that some people would consider grey, but I think your analogy of reworking a Sgt Fang is pretty applicable in this situation. The ultimate answer is, if you don't know the source of a work and can't get permission to use it, then don't use it. I am sure some of this will come down to whether this is, as you say, a rework instead of a "based on" effort. Some would even say you shouldn't "base" your work on someone else's. Tough call and a source for where we see a lot of accusations of recasting come from. This seems like a very unfortunate situation and while I am no judge, I would think the best course of action at this point, would be to contact the original creator of the model and see if he is ok with what is being done. I know it is after-the-fact, but it is better than nothing and will help keep there from being a shadow on this work. Again, just my thoughts.
That's what I said in the beginning.
I think it escalated way past that when it became a who has the ability to catch me. The 3d world is very small. and tricks to catch people doing this exact thing have been around for aslong as CG has. Denying that the original model is still there, was and still is the biggest mistake you could make for your character. Lining up polygons are not that hard. when one lines up they all disappear with the exception of whats been changed

I really don't care if you used it. Again I don't have the right to say you can or can't. I just said you should have asked him.

Like another spat here all the sideliners get involved and "Pump" from the crowd and before you know it, it escalates. People say they don't want it. but they sure are right there to post when it happens. All together in one group ,safety in numbers, like hyenas. Boy you don't want to get on anyones bad side here huh. Kinda wonder why I've been here for 4 years, read every post and have only accrued 47 posts. If you speak people jump down you throat with stupid comments that add nothing to the table just a higher post count. It is a joke and has been this way for along time.

Everyone keep on jacking the post count with nonsense and claim to have the community in there best interest but posts don't pay the bills do they
I think it is unfortunate that you have such a negative view of TDH and I guess everyone's experience varies, but I would argue here, you are seeing at least one old-timer, in agreement with what you are saying in principle. I can't apply it directly to situation, only because right now it is a he said - she said issue, where one is saying this is a recreation and the other is saying this is a rework of an existing creation. I agree that in this hobby (not just this board) there is a general turning a blind eye to underhandedness when someone is making something others wants. However, I will be the first to say that if this is as you say, a rework of an existing work, and permission can't be attained, it should be abandoned. I am not the law, but there is an opinion that has nothing to do with post count or me wanting something.

While you are making good points, some of the snide comments and jabs aren't helping your argument...
I tend to agree with HH on this.

At this point in the conversation, I (and I'm sure others) don't really care one way or the other where Skip's model came from or where it's heading. I'm just tired of seeing people argue like two year olds in a public forum.

If you think he did something wrong, tell him. In PRIVATE, and stop making snide comments about the community in general. It's immature and useless.

Talking in private allows you both to plead your cases, say whatever the heck you want and settle it that way. If you still think he's doing something unethical after that, let us know. Calmly and maturely. If people don't respond to that or take issue with it, well you've done your duty and you can walk away from it knowing that without debasing yourself to juvenile remarks.
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