I need your help finding a part URGENTLY


Well-Known Hunter
Hi guys,

I am due to be on stage in the theatre as Boba Fett on 01 March and i have broken part of my gauntlets. Does anyone know where i can get just this part?



Is it repairable? I assume you would have to attach/paint the replacement part anyway, also did you paint the gauntlets? If not maybe someone could fix it up for you? Put some pics up it will help us see what can be done :thumbsup:
It canr be mended unfortunately. It shattered as i tried to drill the hole in it a bit bigger. I dont know who made the gauntlets, they are not that great but they do the job.
what gives with Ruffkin Toy :confused

Ok it like this with ruffkintoy ,in ocotober i paid him $260 for a set of ESB gauntlets in which i STILL have not recieved from him !! :cry

It been lies after lies with his excuses saying hes sending them out ...
there is a thread on here about chuck and i think he still owes a few of us on here with stuff from him ,not to mention on the hunterslair.com where here taken peoples money with no stuff too :cry

Trust me dude dont go to him unless you wanna lose your money.
Enough said. ;)
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Hi guys,

I am due to be on stage in the theatre as Boba Fett on 01 March and i have broken part of my gauntlets. Does anyone know where i can get just this part?

Jon, my best suggestion is to take some measurements of your guantlets and carve a piece out of insulation foam (pink or blue stuff)

then coat it with bondo/epoxy/autofiller etc.

Maybe even put the hole/stud in it beforehand so you don't crack it again.

I wish you weren't across the pond otherwise I'd send you a replacement for free, it just wouldn't be worth the price of shipping for either of us since I have confidence you could make this part.

WOF plans for gauntlets might help too, but I would take measurements off your broken piece/actual gauntlets

sorry to hear about your jam

i'd use plumber's epoxy putty (assuming that's available in your area). cures in a few minutes, easily shaped by hand, and once it's fully cured you can drill / sand / shape / whatever.

actually, i'd probably embed a hose fitting from the plumbing aisle at your local hardware store right into the putty while it's curing so that you don't even have to worry about drilling into it.
I wish you weren't across the pond otherwise I'd send you a replacement for free, it just wouldn't be worth the price of shipping for either of us since I have confidence you could make this part.

You guys are the best :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I have managed to get a part locally and am all set for my stage deput :D

I also get to do the foyer after the show to sigh autographs (as Boba of course)
Hey Jon, i was supposed to be at this event as my sandie but dont think im gonna be able to make it :(

Will let you know if anything changes.
Im afraid it is so jon :lol:

Gonna try and make it but who knows...i sure dont!!
Not even sure why they need star wars characters there :confused
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