MOW ESB Gauntlet Buildup


Active Hunter
well, in the midst of the harnesses, armor, jet pack, etc, i began working on my MOW gauntlets...being that we have had a few nice days with temps in the 50's, i decided to go ahead and get some paint on these bad boys before the cold front comes in this weekend and then not be able to do any painting... :D i got all the holes for the accessories drilled, and now the right gauntlet is ready to paint...i will be posting more after i get the paint down...:thumbsup: thanks for looking!



Cant wait to see the new pics bro. I haven't had time lately to work on my scratchbuilt gauntlets, but it will be nice to watch your progress as a warm up for my build.
thanks! it has been too cold to do any more painting out in the shop, and plus the harnesses are keeping me busy as well...ill have some up probably early next week...maybe even tomorrow...:thumbsup:
D - how did you attach the darts. I racked my brain on it for a while, and came up with an interesting solution. I see your nut/bolt creation, so it's obvious your creative :)

I did 100% REMOVABLE attachments for all parts. Is that what you are going for?
well, got some progress done this weekend!! :thumbsup: about time? ya, thanks for telling me...:facepalm:) i have some paint on the right gauntlet, and i have both the top and bottom halves done with the green, but since i have some new resin bottoms coming, i wont bother putting up the original bottom...i have also got the switches installed as well...i have not finished up the outside piece of the right gauntlet (have no clue what it is, would love to know if anyone has some insight...:)), but went ahead and took a pic of it attached just to see what it looks like...:D



and i also got some work done on the right gauntlet...too cold to paint, but i did however get the flamethrower attached...i went ahead and used the 2 part epoxy to set the heads of the bolts into holes i drilled into the flamethrower unit, then lined everything up to where the bolts go thru the holes in the gaunt upper and then i fasten them down with a small washer and nut...:thumbsup:




i have to say, that after my first attempt with Ruffkin gauntlets, these gauntlets are FANTASTIC!!! clean, and so easy to work with...thank you Christian for such awesome work on these, brother!!! :thumbsup: :cheers

When you paint them would it be easier to paint them separate ( with all of the parts in pieces) or when all of the parts are always, your progress always looks impressive:cheers
oh yeah, brother, i will take the pieces off the main shell, and then paint each piece seperately...MUCH easier that me...uh...ya...:lol: once all the pieces are painted, ie the flamethrower, then i attach it to the top shell...:cheers thank you for the kind words to!!
i am on a roll!!! :lol: anyways, i got the darts put in just a few minutes ago, so i figuered i would go ahead and post up some pics with the darts in...:thumbsup:


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