New Boba Fett video on very nice.

Original White Fett video on

I apologize if this has already been posted but I couldn't find it and :eek::eek::eek: for me this afternoon.

The new Boba Fett video on

Here's a link to the new video page - you will have to select it from below.

According to the video it's a proof of concept Fett made for public appearances. Most of us know it as the white Fett with the Star Wars towel. It always looked like the shots of this came for a video, now we get to see some if it.
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That, was so awesome. I lol'd at the part about the spurs. That's really cool. I've been wanting to make a white Fett for some time now. But I have complete my SE Fett first.
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Awesome video ! Thanks for that !

I knew that button on the inside of the right gauntlet was a slider switch to turn on a light, but I thought it was for the light at the end of the whip cord housing :lol:


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Now time for me to buy some spurs. Haha, that was an awesome video though!! I need to see what I can do about that little light on the gauntlet.
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That is WAY too cool! The White Fett looks so awesome. Gotta love the Star wars beach towel. I had no idea they gave him the spur sound! haha

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Awesome video! I wish I could save it.

Best guess on the mic and sound is they used a throat mic, and hid a speaker behind the ab plate. And at least on this version of the suit, the shoulder studs are silver.

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