
Well-Known Hunter
Friend of TDH and owner of Philip Wise had the pleasure of being the First to review the new EFX X-Wing fighter yesterday...the Proto version. :eek:

Just wanted to get your thoughts...allot cleaner IMO than it should be...but over all a very nice piece.

Here's the review...

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Looks nice, I agree it is to clean. The damage and weathering could look better along with that 1200 price tag. The price just seems crazy to me.
The model itself is indeed very nice and probably one of the most accurate out there.... but why they didn't go with Lee for the paintjob will forever be a mystery and the final product clearly suffers from their shortsightedness. :facepalm But then again... Lee painted the Fett helmet, and they managed to botch that one as well, so I am just not sure you can win on a mass produced paint job.
But then again... Lee painted the Fett helmet, and they managed to botch that one as well, so I am just not sure you can win on a mass produced paint job.

You felt they botched Lee's paint jobby on the MR? I thought they did a decent job. They botched the shape, for sure, but the paint job seems pretty good. I have one of Lee's handpainted ESB's and I would choose my MR over it believe it or not. But the paint jobby on this x-wing looks like something than can be outclassed by even a moderately skilled model maker IMO. I could easily be wrong. :o
Yeah it really does seem like the weathering and grime are just laid on top with just one color, and not layered in... :facepalm
I mean in some spots it looks like color by numbers, almost amature... but in others, like the cock-pit, it looks 100 times better than the Icon's version.
You felt they botched Lee's paint jobby on the MR? I thought they did a decent job.

They did do a decent job of creating a fairly good paint job on a mass produced helmet. Certainly a lot better than the Don Post helmets. However, in comparison to the prototypes Lee created for them, they fell way short and very unfortunately changed a lot of things, making a less accurate helmet and a lower quality paint job. It probably isn't fair to compare a hand painted helmet to a mass produced helmet, but there it is... and like I said, no matter what, I think the X-Wing would have looked better had they allowed Lee to paint their prototype. While some think Lee is great at helmet painting, his true passion and skill lies in the area of SS models. Some of the work I have seen him do on models is second to none.
I think I like the old code 3 version better but its nice to see they are licensed to do vehicles. Would love to see Jangos Slave I next to my Bobas code 3 slave I 8)

I don't like the glass in the cockpit.... it's just wrong... imho.

The paint job is ok, but I agree with Alex. It's not spot overall, and in spots looks like it was just thrown together (in my own words). I'm a little concerned that it's a proto, and we all know that the paint job will not be the same in the mass produced production model. So.. is it going to get worse or better....The Falcon and Boba buckets say worse...

1200 is a lot of cash, but honestly not unreasonable IF it's got a proper paint job.

just my 2 cents.
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