Question: Which Fett for me? **image heavy**

Hi everyone,

I've been a lurker on this forum for years, since I think the late 90's. Back then I was slowly collecting pieces for a Fett costume, all from the talented members of this forum. But with how expensive this hobby is, let's just say it was slow going :)

Anyway, I collected a few of the major pieces such as a nice helmet, a bronze casting of an original Webley, and some thick metal armor (everything but the back and knees). I decided recently that I need a hobby to help deal with a high level of stress that I've been under for awhile now. This was the first thing that came to mind!

Here's are a few questions...

1. Can anyone identify this helmet? I think I remember the guy's name, but I don't want to say it because I remember people wanting to remain anonymous around here. I seem to remember it was constructed from laser measurements from the MoM tour in the UK.
2. I'm 5' 9", with fairly broad shoulders but slim (140 lbs.). Would I look like a bobble-head with this helmet? If so, is there another hyper-accurate helmet that might be a better fit for a smaller guy like me?
3. Lastly, based on the items I've collected, would they be suitable for an ESB Fett, or are they more for an ROTJ version?

These pics are from the original sellers I believe. Sorry for all the pics...I'd like you all to see my major pieces to steer me in the right direction.

Thanks everyone, and it's nice to be back to this hobby and this great community.










Based on the HS Webley that you grabbed alone I would go ESB. Everything else would work for either one.

Some great looking parts there. Don't think you'll look like too much of a bobble head in that helmet, seems to be fine in the pic. Sharp corners on the cheeks, nice wave in the brow, no integrated borden, hmm...
That looks like a MSH,
you'd need to swap the resin stalk for a metal one, go ESB... it's the one JB prefers;)

Here is my finished ESB Webley, same make as yours.

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Thanks guys - I was hoping to go ESB, as long as my gear fits that style.

I actually have a metal stalk already, but I need a good rangefinder to go with it.

For the ESB blaster parts, I have the silver flash thingy in the barrel, and I have a scope. What's the best place to get the rest of the greeblies (the scope mounts, the strap, the pieces on the side, etc)?

I think 99CentTaco makes straps. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Don't know who makes the greeblies on a regular basis, but just keep checking the Cargo Hold, that stuff pops up all the time.
That looks like a MSH,
you'd need to swap the resin stalk for a metal one, go ESB... it's the one JB prefers;)

Here is my finished ESB Webley, same make as yours.


Hey Sixxgunn13 - if you don't mind my asking, how in the world did you attach those eyelet hooks for the strap into the bottom of a bronze casting? The wood side is no problem of course, but I don't have the first idea what I would do for the forward attachment in the metal handle.

I'm glad you're all saying to go with ESB - that's what I was hoping I could do with these pieces.

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From the angle of the Range Finder it looks like it came from RA, which will have to be straightened

The helmet, however isn't RA
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From the angle of the Range Finder it looks like it came from RA, which will have to be straightened

No, the helmet definitely wasn't from RA. I'll call him "Natty" to protect the innocent, and I believe he was from the UK. It's all fiberglass, and was quite worth the considerable price at the time.

For those who know who I'm talking about, was "Natty" the one who made the helmet everyone is calling the MSH?

If so, that's what I've got in my grubby little paws right now :)

With my AWESOME hands of steel....muhahaaha...heh;)

Or you can use a drill bit.
but you have to work up to the right SZ slowly, then file the hole till the hook threads fit then JB weld in place.

I would also go to MOW for the stock greebs.. the rest of the greebs from Sidewinder, I think another member was selling real Molex connectors, but you'll have to do a search...

good luck.
Hey Sixxgunn13 - if you don't mind my asking, how in the world did you attach those eyelet hooks for the strap into the bottom of a bronze casting? The wood side is no problem of course, but I don't have the first idea what I would do for the forward attachment in the metal handle.

I'm glad you're all saying to go with ESB - that's what I was hoping I could do with these pieces.

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No, the helmet definitely wasn't from RA. I'll call him "Natty" to protect the innocent, and I believe he was from the UK. It's all fiberglass, and was quite worth the considerable price at the time.

For those who know who I'm talking about, was "Natty" the one who made the helmet everyone is calling the MSH?

If so, that's what I've got in my grubby little paws right now :)


Yup, Natty made the MSH and that is the helmet you have.
That looks like the armor I have... / Durasteel. Gorgeous stuff that :)

Now I'm firmly in the RotJ camp... so much so that I sawed the barrel off of my bronze Webley and replaced it with an RotJ style one!


So that is an option, if you want to go with that suit style.

That being said, I think the helmet and Webley do both lend themselves very well to ESB.

NICE collection of stuff!
Wow! No matter what version I go with, I couldn't bring myself to cut up the bronze webley. I'm not even entirely sure I want to take it out trooping, for fear of losing it :(

As for the armor, do you find the metal armor to be on the heavy side when wearing it? It looks gorgeous, I'm just wondering how practical it will be to wear (if that day ever comes).

On a side note, when I paint it, I'm looking forward to masking out the metal and have it showing through where the silver spots would be...should look great!

Hey GG,

You bought it for a reason... a small hole is no big'll only lose it if you let go of it. lol

and for the armor... I'd sell it get your hands on a set of FP or Bobamaker and go to town on a paint job.:thumbsup:
the E-33 is heavy already, why wear metal armor?? your just trooping not going to war.:D

Wow! No matter what version I go with, I couldn't bring myself to cut up the bronze webley. I'm not even entirely sure I want to take it out trooping, for fear of losing it :(

As for the armor, do you find the metal armor to be on the heavy side when wearing it? It looks gorgeous, I'm just wondering how practical it will be to wear (if that day ever comes).

On a side note, when I paint it, I'm looking forward to masking out the metal and have it showing through where the silver spots would be...should look great!

Funny you say that Sixxgunn. I was thinking of selling the metal armor to fund the purchase of a more movie-accurate Stormtrooper helmet. I own an original set of VaderPainter Stormtrooper armor, but it's an FX set and the helmet is a little too large for my frame.

I'd like to finish my ST costume first before diving into an ESB Fett that may take me years to finish. That I can probably do fairly quickly, and would probably be a good "warm-up" for working on my Boba gear.

Maybe I'll offer up the armor here for sale or trade. I really don't remember what I paid for it though :facepalm


EDIT: - Oh swell, I just unpacked a second set of Boba armor that I forgot I bought. I'm suddenly remembering how expensive this hobby was!
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