Knee Armor?


Active Hunter
Okay, I've started working on some knee armor for my costume. I have the WOF Temps and traced them out onto expanded PVC for now. However, once I got the Left and Righ seperated, I realized I had two parts that I had no clue of how they were going to work. The front part of the knee. I know WOF has a tutorial for the "glued block" meathod, but, I'm really stuck...any help?

Why do I feel like I'm looking at Egyptian Hieroglyphics!:lol:
My only guess is that one's the front and one's the back of the knee cap.:confused
One is the back, and one is the front. There are also two other pieces that fill in the gap below it.

Well thats what I thought. I have the other two that make the top and bottom, but, which part is the front, and which one is the back? I'm really confused. :confused I feel like Cruzer. :lol:
When I was assembling my WoF knees, I used Asoks knee tutorial as a guide. It really helped me to sort through the puzzling bits. ;)
Forget that piece at the top of the pic. (the smaaler piece) It was just for reference, it is a drawing of the knee from the front, it is not needed to build them.

You've got it right, looking great!

Forget that piece at the top of the pic. (the smaaler piece) It was just for reference, it is a drawing of the knee from the front, it is not needed to build them.

You've got it right, looking great!


Well its bout time ya charmed in :lol:. Thank you for the help Alan. My head was bout to blow I was so confused. :lol: Thanks for the help.
No problem, I am only checking in here maybe once a week.

If you have any problems with the templates please make sure to PM me. I'll get the e-mail notice and I can help out a bit quicker.

Make sure to take more pics of the process. I think that this is the first Jango Knee build that has been posted. So keep up the good work!

Nice start. They're going to look great when they're all done!:thumbsup:

Thanks Cruzer. Yea, I started on the knee dart box and I was just so baffeld on how he hell I was to make the box out of the temps I had. So, I made up one simple template. Basically it its folded 3 times and you make a box without the triangular face. Then, with the templates you have, you finish the box with the triangle is the temp...


And here is what I have so far...




Still needs molding a bit, and a lot of bondo. :lol: Should be done in the next few weeks.
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