yet another hasbro clone rebuild


Sr Hunter
like so many others, i was inspired to get one of the hasbro voice changer clone helmets and rebuild it.

when i first saw it, i thought it had great potential. one of the local guys took pics of it beside his clone6 helmet, and the overall size/shape is similar enough in my eyes to call it a good bucket:



after chatting a bit with some other folks, i decided to build a new face plate out of thin plastic (for sale signs), and laminate that onto the front of the helmet, rather than building up filler to close the visor slit.

here it is in all of its red and white glory!


the reason for this strategy is simple. the extra thickness is minimal, but it gives you a 100% perfect front surface.

i then built up the back of the sign with epoxy putty to get my lip back to the proper thickness.

from there it was just many passes of filler / primer / sand, filler / primer / sand until i had it smooth enough to be happy.


next i built up the lip around the bottom edge a bit. i wanted it to scoop in a bit more under my chin. only to notice later that the animated style clones (what i'm going for) don't really have a lip under the edge of the helmets. ah well. it looks better in the real world this way.


now fast forward through the molding / casting part of the process, and we come to where we have a reasonably movie like clone helmet.


but that's just the beginning. i made the resin copy so that i'd have an easier material to work with, since there was more tweaking to do.

i thinned out the central fin to look more like the animated style, and completely removed the brow trim.

a couple coats of primer white, some black wash, a bit of grey acrylic and some 501st blue paint brings me here:


more weathering to do, the kill stripes, ear details... there's quite a way yet before this thing is done. but it's coming along nicely.
more work last night... i finished the weathering on the helmet and added the kill stripes:


i also build up the RF topper. i started off with a Fett and reshaped it to look like the clone ones.


that's getting a rubber bath tonight, so if any other clones/arcs/whatever are looking for one, let me know.
Will your RF topper be solid or hollow? Good info to note for those that might wish to add electronics or just want a light weight topper.
Will your RF topper be solid or hollow? Good info to note for those that might wish to add electronics or just want a light weight topper.

it will be solid, but made from a light weight resin. it would be a pain to make that shape hollow...

i might try slush casting one to see if i could make it lighter though. i'll let you know how that goes :)
i put the detail bits on the ears, and mounted the RF stalk.


you'll note that i cut the top of the RF stalk down. technically rex's is round at the top and square at the bottom. i wasn't feeling like grinding that much metal, so i figured i'd let it be square. but it definitely doesn't have that fett-like T on the top.


i might fill in the head of the screw on the RF stalk. not sure yet. no plans to make it movable, so i can do whatever. it's glued into place already.

and while i'm at it, here are a couple of shots of me test fitting the whole suit.


there's a LOT yet to do... thighs aren't attached, ankles need to be trimmed, shoulders need padding, needs a belt, etc...

but, this is my first time putting it all on at one time, and i'm pretty happy with how it's looking!

side shot:

That is a very nice helmet build. It looks agressive and matches the armor well.

Welcome to the clone ranks; happy trooping.
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