ok, right sholder pretty much done now...let me know what you guys think...:):cheers




Sweet! Looking great. You did a really good job on the charcoal flashes. How did you apply it? Do you think airbrushing would be easier, or did you method work well? Does it rub off easily? or do you have to go over it with a clear coat or something?
thanks, D!! i just used a paintbrush, medium sized, and rubbed it in, and it stays pretty well...ya, if i use a wet towel or something it will come off, but a clear sealer will lock it in nicely!! never used an airbrush, so i would say this charcoal method is easier....:facepalm :lol: i dont know, i would use the airbrush if you have one, i would...:D

plus, i have to save my money for MOJO's new sidearm, and cant afford an airbrush at the moment...:p besides, if i got an airbrush, i would HAVE to start all over again, and that means certain pain from someone i live with and has to deal with me...:lol:
ok, some updates on the armor progress...i have done the chest and ab plates with the female parts of the snaps...i decided to go this method cause that was the method most have used...:thumbsup: next will be to get the male parts onto the vest...:facepalm wish me luck!!! :lol: i have to get these snaps on the diamond, shoulders, and knees...not sure if i am going to do snaps on the collar yet, it seems to set nicely around my neck once bolted into the backplate, so we'll see...:)


gotcha, master! ;) makes perfect sense...i wouldve figured that out the first time i put the jp on with the other stuff...ya...:facepalm :lol:lol: love to hear from ya, brother!!
Hey D, mind you what with your harness... you may only need a single snap in the front to stop it rising?
I dunno how this thing sits or holds weight, but you may get away with it?
Hey D, mind you what with your harness... you may only need a single snap in the front to stop it rising?
I dunno how this thing sits or holds weight, but you may get away with it?

gotcha, master! ;) makes perfect sense...i wouldve figured that out the first time i put the jp on with the other stuff...ya...:facepalm :lol:lol: love to hear from ya, brother!!

Not long to go big D.... :D
I'd go snaps on the collar as the JP would have a tendency to 'pull' the collar back?

I may not put snaps on the collar. The jet pack may pull the snaps apart. The best thing to do would be to test it out without and see if you need them. Easier to add them than to remove them! :cheers
I may not put snaps on the collar. The jet pack may pull the snaps apart. The best thing to do would be to test it out without and see if you need them. Easier to add them than to remove them! :cheers

good point, brother! ya, gotta go ahead and suit up! dang...:D:lol: this may be a photo opp...;)
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