BudgetFett No. 4 Interest Webley Scott Resin kit

Dah! So, close. Ran out of resin! Going to have to order more. Whenever I think I have enough, I am always just short.

I am really thinking about not doing a third run. If I do do one, I unfortunately wont be able to continue the $45 price tag. As mentioned by others, the cost of resin/RTV and time doesn't allow me to 'keep' doing it.

Now the question on everyones mind, Payment

I think I am going to start taking pre-orders of Run 1 to help get some more materials to finish these babies off. Once I have Run 1 completed and all shipped out, I will start on Run 2.

The time frame of completion...gosh, I have no idea. Hopefully sooner than later.

As of right Now I am half way done with the first 30. By that I mean that I have 30 kits half done, and not 15 out of 30 done. Sorry if there was any confusion.
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Dah! So, close. Ran out of resin! Going to have to order more. Whenever I think I have enough, I am always just short.

I am really thinking about not doing a third run. If I do do one, I unfortunately wont be able to continue the $45 price tag. As mentioned by others, the cost of resin/RTV and time doesn't allow me to 'keep' doing it.

Hi Seven,

how much would you be doing the third run for if you do start one.
I'll be sad to know i missed out again on a great offer.
also as i'm from across the pond in Blighty, do you know what's the damage for the postage will be?
you mentioned in your pm it would be about $35.

Payment sent! Also, I PM'ed you with my Shipping address.... becuase I'm a dope and forgot to include that in the PayPal Message.... DUH! Thanks
how long till i can send pms and post. i have been trying to contact seven but it keeps telling me i didn't send a pm:confused

PM sent MADDMUDDER, sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

Hi Seven,
how much would you be doing the third run for if you do start one?
...do you know what's the damage for the postage will be?
you mentioned in your pm it would be about $35.

OK, OK, I will be making more after the second run, assuming everyone is still happy with kits in the first two runs. The cost won't be at $45, but I will try still make it as low as I can. I have been adding everyone expressing an interest in a third run on a 'Stand-by' list if anyone drops off. But I would like to get through the first two before anything is in stone. From the looks of it, it may be after the new year before I get started a third.

International shipping costs seem to be averaging around $35 to give some an idea of what to expect. I will work with everyone on an individual basis to get a more "accurate" shipping quote. Quote is based off the www.USPS.com website and sometimes does not reflect what comes up at the register. I'll PM all those requesting a quote after I get home from work later tonight.
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So for me how much would be the shipping? :confused USPS says 34$ for 1.5 kg or 3.3 pounds, but I don't know if this weight is correct.
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