New Templates: Republic Commando!

Thank you my friend. :) As with all my other templates, I just hope they build as well for real.

BTW, I'm working that little something or you. Coming along well I think. ;)
Hey guys,

I'm working on the next part of my RC set. The Deece!!!

I'm basing it off three things, in-game pics, some blueprints a friend sent me(I think they're WoF work), and the Omega Squad figures.

I'm happy with it so far and hope to have it finished soon.

Here's a pic of the WIP.
Finished the modelling guys. Though I may alter the front grip under the barrel. That version is from the 3.75" Omega figures but doesn't look as good I think as the ingame version so I may go for that.

Wow, excellent work!

Are you going to make the variations of the DC's? If so, I'm guessing they will all be the same size/shape, so if you wanted to swap the parts out to convert the gun back and forth, you could do that? That would be SWEET!

Your work is really awesome, keep it up!
Thanks very much guys! Glad you like it.

I went back and made some changes to that forward grip lastnight. I think this is a little better than that hexagonal drum I originally had. I also did the ammo mag.

As for the attachments, I've thought about it. I'll probably come back and do them but I'll need to play the game a little more to see just how thay attach to the rifle. They don't just slot over the Deece as is. The front part of the standard Deece come off. So a little more research is needed.
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Morning guys,

I managed to get the DC-17 finished this morning. The templates for anyone who's interested in them are available through my blog. It's 16 pages worth of templates and is not for the faint of heart or the novice I'd say. Though it should build up to a nice prop. You could remove the glue tabs and build this with styrene or build as a card model and fill it with foam or something similar to made it more sturdy. Resin then on the outside for a carder skin?? That's how I think I'll build mine anyway. :)

Another pic:
Hey guys,

I have another addition to the RC templates in the works today. Not armor though I'm afraid. :( However, it's still a cool one.

I'm almost finished modelling the pistol (unsure of it's model) the RC's use.

Not a great deal to say about it really as I'm sure there are plenty of RC fans here who know more about it than me. I started modelling it this morning and have one more part to add before it's done.

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