New Templates: Republic Commando!

Man alive! That is some awesome work! I'm going to keep an eye on this thread while trying to convince the wife to let start "another" project. :)
No pic updates but I have started to release the armor in sections while I finish modelling the legs. f anyone's interested then please feel free to go by my blog to see more and for pricing info. ;)

Thanks for all the interest here guys, I'll be hoping to have updates on those legs soon!


It's all finished now! I managed to complete the lower legs this morning. ;)

If any of you guys want to try making your own RC then you know where to get them now. :)
Woot! Skip your awsome man, loving the RC build so far, Im gonna start on the Helmet next I think. Good idea on the blaster going use styrene on mine as well I think, looks like that makes a much sturdier base.
Bang on buddy! I don't think I'd ever make a weapon from a pep file(as the 405th have dubbed them) using card and fibreglass!! Not when with a little extra work you get much better results with styrene!! ;)
This i so NICE! i bought the templates some days ago, and they are great, almost done with the helmet now, and i think i looks good so far.

I do have a question though, the 4 little rektangular pieces on the side of the helmet, are they turning inwards or outwards?? I have seen both things, and i can't find any official pictures of the helmet, so i can see what's right. On your blog Skip, you posted pictures from your mates helmet, and they pointed inwards, though your templates says the opposite?????

Darth Sever
Bang on buddy! I don't think I'd ever make a weapon from a pep file(as the 405th have dubbed them) using card and fibreglass!! Not when with a little extra work you get much better results with styrene!! ;)

Nice looking model. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Question here. What kind of styrene and where's a good place to get it?
I've been using For Sale signs for my Boba build, but am always interested in working with different materials. Thanks everyone. :cheers
I'm in the UK so my source may not be of any use to you mate??

It's ABS 1mm thick. Though for some areas I double or triple up for strength. Upon saying that you can buy styrene from 0.25mm up to at least 10mm thickness. Though the 1mm works fine for me.
wonderful! im plannin on makin a republic commando costume... but have no experience and have no idea what kind of materials to use.... any help would be awesome!

Ke mu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade...
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