GEN-CON pics!!! (pic intensive!!!)

vadr h8r

I got them resized and up for you guyz and girlz!!! plus I added a few more!!:cheers:thumbsup:
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Ha ha....... is that "Bud" from "Married with Children"???? that's funny.

Bro, please tell me those aren't philip screws in your armor??
I have shamed myself...:( those are indeed Phillips heads...:o I had problems keeping the velcro attached and I wanted to see how noticeable they were buy just painting them since my armor was painted already. when I redo my paint job I will bondo over them. but thats a later project...8) as for the stalk it was there beginning the day I will have to check it out to see if its still there its still in my trunk!:lol: also I had a slave girl pic on here but she ended up to revealing so it was removed :eek: I would have NEVER posted it if I spotted the problemed area ;) also if you guyz need any more proof on the HOTSHOT BLASTER, I was sporting it all weekend and it was a dream to use!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
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also I had a slave girl pic on here but she ended up to revealing so it was removed :eek: I would have NEVER posted it if I spotted the problemed area ;)

Well darn it, I missed it!!!! :(:p:lol:;) Looks like you had an awsome time, mabey some time I'll hafe to go there! :)
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lol also I had a slave girl pic on here but she ended up to revealing so it was removed :eek: I would have NEVER posted it if I spotted the problemed area ;)

Lol, luckily I pointed that out :p it was funny though.
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I know that predator!!!!

I "hunted" with him at Wizard World Chicago, along with Ruffkin. :D

And...umm..... how about sending me a copy of that pic you had to take down? ;)
Hey there. Great pics and nice to meet you at GenCon!

I think you're side pouches are the ESB version rather than ROTJ. The ROTJ version is a khaki color.

Also, it looks like your cape is attached to the shoulder bell. It should be attached to the left outside stud on the collar armor.

Hope to see you out there soon!
yeah I think they are the ESB versions I got them on fleabay a few years ago and they didn't say what version they were. Plus they are too small I had a hard time fitting them on my belt. they will be changed this winter when I do my overhaul! as for the cape its actually attached by a string on a Phillips head screw between the studs on the collar armor. the studs are just super glued on. when I repaint my armor this winter I am going to fill in my Phillip heads on my armor. I cant wait to do more conventions!! It was very nice to meet you there! your Fett ROCKED!!
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