SoulAssassin's ILM FP CC Jango Build!

Hey bud,
Those cracks at the edge of the visor slit may need some special care and attention as that area can be prone to some flexing.
I suggest you consider bracing the cheeks with a crossbar until your ready to attach the visor. It would be a shame if those cracks 'flexed' open after painting.

Keep up the good work!


Yea, Im surprised, cause it seems that the crack is incredibly shallow, and on the inside of the helmet, where the crack is on the outside, there is a large portion of bondo that's been applied there. I honestly dont think it's that bad, that it will flex. The helmet's over all thickness of fiberglass is pretty thick, the most Ive seen before.

But, I'll make sure it dosnt go anywhere
This rain is really starting to get on my nerves...Cant work anything :rolleyes

Hopefully this afternoon I can start to get some more work done.
Alright, well I officially got started today, with a lapse in the rain and the fact that I can use the garage for awhile. I went over the helmet again, and found only 3 critical areas that needed bondo, one being that crack on the one side, a small air pocket from the casting, and then a very small scratch that was there, on the back, under the keyslots.

Waiting for those to cure so I can sand it down, and then I will begin taping it off and prepping for paint!

Alright! Let er rip Chris, can't wait to see em!

Alright, well I officially got started today, with a lapse in the rain and the fact that I can use the garage for awhile. I went over the helmet again, and found only 3 critical areas that needed bondo, one being that crack on the one side, a small air pocket from the casting, and then a very small scratch that was there, on the back, under the keyslots.

Waiting for those to cure so I can sand it down, and then I will begin taping it off and prepping for paint!

Got around to sanding the bondo and masking it off, for the main blue. Trying something new (for me at least) I couldnt find any really thin masking tape, so Im trying out the automotive pin-stripping that I have. I had bought a new roll of the stuff for my last build, so I figured I'd give it a shot. My old technique is (theoretically) not as efficient in creating a even line of seperation. I think it will turn out very well after I paint it!



You can have a clean separation line with just masking tape, even thick as butt masking tape. It is just much harder, your method works fine and makes life much easier.

Great job so far, cant wait to see more!
You can have a clean separation line with just masking tape, even thick as butt masking tape. It is just much harder, your method works fine and makes life much easier.

Great job so far, cant wait to see more!

Oh yea, its just a very time consuming thing and you have to have some serious patience lol Ive run out of that.
Oh my god! wow! This is gonna turn out excellent :thumbsup: . Oh and Chris I changed my mind about the weathering and would like you to put just a bit of weathering, nothing heavy. Maybe just some smears , barely noticeable if you know what I mean ;)
Main blue is painted and dried. Im going to need to grind down a bit of the interior portion of the visor area. Discovered that it has an uneven ridge that will prevent the visor from getting in. *will not touch the paintjob*
Just a bit, some stains here and there. :)

Oh alright then lol

I taped off the helmet so I could paint the cheeks just now. I have to do the ear's seperatly, just based on the placement and trying to tape things off. I *may* need to redo some parts of the ocean blue. I think the humidity did something to the finish of it, Im not really sure, but I dont like it. So thats what's going on now. Depending on how quickly I can fix that issue, I want to be able to move onto Rub&buffing, and wethering hopefully by the end of this week or next. Just need to get that darn RF box!

Well, I usually dont like to do this, and I think others dont as well, talking about the mistakes/errors on my work, but this is to show the where the helmet is right now. I have not had much time as I had previously thought to get more work done. While I am very happy with how clean of a seperation line was created and the color of the cheeks, the pin-stripping tape was strong enough to pull off tiny bits of the light blue :ugh: What this means is that I need to tape off the cheeks completly, sand and re-paint the ocean blue. Also, despite being completly covered and filled, that darn crack reappeard. Im going to have to try and get something stronger. I know plastic weld would work, but I have had issues getting it smooth before. Would JB weld work?

Anyways, here are current pics of the helmet. Like I said, I usually dont like to show mistakes, but I dont want to *hide* anything.




The lighting really affects the look of the colors. The cheeks have a really nice even gloss on both sides. I ran out of blue masking tape, will have to get more tomorrow!

I hate to say I told you so... but JB weld is 20 million times stronger than Bondo, it wouldn't have come apart if you would have used it first.
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