Mystery lid progress

here are some more pics, i have worked on the dome some more, and took some pics of the helmet with the rangefinder attached...:)



How is it that everyone gets the damage masked off so perfectly? Did you mask off the damage on each layer? I haven't quite figured out how you guys do it yet...
hey guys, i got some more progress done!! i have finished the left earpiece now, and took some pics with it on the main part of the lid...thanks for looking!! :o



and drumroll, please....this is pretty much the completion of this helmet, guys!!! i am thrilled to be able to say that! i have just a few touch ups, blending with the fine steelwool, and matte coat to go, but man, what a ride!! such a blast doing this helmet, and i cant thank you guys enough for your input, comments, praise, and yes, boomer and 22ssplt your snide remarks...:lol: i couldnt have done without you guys!! once the final clean up and finishing touches are done, ill post up my completed work on this baby!! :thumbsup:




you are more than welcome to come for advice, shocknurse! i learned from the master, Mojofett...;) i have a pretty nice kit coming my way as well...:thumbsup: a bobamaker should be here in the next few months...:D thanks Gav, appreciate it, brother! well, still havent found the paint yet, so we are working on it...:thumbsup:
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