Just curious

Plenty. We're all on the look out for them. MR's regularly go for more than £400 over here. Fan-made blasters might have to go for less to stay competative but there's certainly a market.
Thank you. (is 400 pounds english like $500-$600 USD?)
Look at the pics on my other thread, they are just the handles but they are made out of scrap aluminum my dad had laying around. First time making them so ya gotta start with something cheap. Any way, back on topic for me, my personal guess would be about $200-$300 per pair, I saw some rubber and resin blasters go for $120 and $240 somewere here.
(I was reffered here and found
wizard-of-flight's designs and used them, they work out great so far, so thank you wizard-of-flight)
Is there anybody who is interested in the westars. I wouldn't sell this first pair because I made a few mistakes. But if there is I would probally finish this pair and start on a second pair very quickly. The only thing holding me back is the barrel. The company that I would get the rod for the barrel from only sells in 12 foot rods. And thats like $100-$120. But if there is intrest I could probally convince my dad to let me get the rod, finish the first pair then get on the second pair. (lots of random info:rolleyes)
Theres lots of polishing to be done, etc. So just let me know if you are interested and they would probally run anywhere from $200-$500, I have to see how much time I spent total, the cost of the aluminum, etc, to get the final price.(There are no garrentees as to if I will get them done quickly or not or even if I'll finish the first pair yet with school, tennis practice 3 hours a day:rolleyes, and life)
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