George Lucas daughter now a pro MMA fighter!

vadr h8r

I have been trying to find video footage of her debut pro MMA match. 20/20 is going to do a special on it and there is going to be a reality series on it too. But there has to be some footage somewhere of her getting knocked out!!! If anyone can find it can y9ou post it here?
here is the link of the article---->
Aww she's so pretty!

George was on TMZ last night and the paparazzi asked him what he thought about his daughters new career choice. He said he was not enthusiastic about it :facepalmbut he fully supports her!8) Way to go George!!!!!:cheers
Oh cool...the last I remeber some where making "cracks" about her being over weight.
I bet they wont say anything to her now :D
BTW.....What does a Hip-Hop teacher.....teacher????
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