my first mando. its a start.....


New Hunter
Ive been lurking this sight for a wile now. I got some inspiration from the trash can thread. Thank you AFettFullofDollars!! :cheers Got the WOF templates and cut out my armor. So thats it. I have my chest armor , shoulder armor cod piece and an idea. I also wrestled over a name for about a week. I came up with Orar Kar'ta which means Thunder Heart. Heres some pics of what I have so far.

custom mando armor.JPG

resize mando2.jpg

resize mando3.jpg
Great start my friend. Are you planning on wearing the shoulders inverted like you have them now? One of our Falco clan member in Mercs wears them that way also, so it's not completely unheard of if you do. =)
Great start my friend. Are you planning on wearing the shoulders inverted like you have them now? One of our Falco clan member in Mercs wears them that way also, so it's not completely unheard of if you do. =)

I think i was just silly and put them the wrong way for the pic. but now that i look at it i kinda dig it like that.:lol:
Actually its going to be chipped red paint as well as yellow paint on the red knees and gauntlets. just wanted a bit of design instead of solid color.
I would say to hold off on the dyeing the suit tell you get it all done. That way you can see what it looks like green and if you don't like it you can dye it black.
I changed the colors to see what the green would look like. I kinda like this one better. what do ya think?

custom mando 2.75.JPG

ps. I haven't photoshoped the details yet but it will be the same as above.
i can say from experiance that they will cover it...but im cutting mine off...its kinda...lumpy...around the neckwhen the neck seal is on and thats under the armour...i find it very uncomfortable
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