PP3 Questions

Vable Boba

Active Hunter
Hello all, I'm currently doing the PP2, yes 2 not 3. However, braks buddy just put up a post with a diagram of the original buckets and what they looked like. I see that the PP3 is essentially the ESB bucket. However, there must be differences, since it was pointed out in he diagram that they were different.

So, on to the questions:

1) What are the differences between the PP3 bucket and ESB hero helmet?

2) What are the differences between the PP2 and PP3 suit, other than the helmet?

cuz the thing is I love that ESB bucket, but not much more of the ESB suit. So, if the PP3 is essentially the PP2 with a different bucket, that would be amazing, cuz I could do the suit the way i love it, and the ESB bucket to make it perfect. Thanks for any input guys. :cheers:thumbsup::thumbsup:
do u have the pics of the differences between the flame throwers? is the PP3 more like the ESB?

And props for helpin me out with the bucket.

Thanks again.
here you go. BTW, colors are off..

Do we know if the PP2 and PP3 vests were the same tackle-twill custom sewn item as the movie version? They've always looked different to me than the movie versions. It could be the pictures, but I've always thought they could have been made from the same style jacket they used for greedo, ANH Luke Ceremony, and a few others I can't think of of the top of my head. I'll see if I can dig up some pictures to show what I'm talking about after work.
Do we know if the PP2 and PP3 vests were the same tackle-twill custom sewn item as the movie version? They've always looked different to me than the movie versions. It could be the pictures, but I've always thought they could have been made from the same style jacket they used for greedo, ANH Luke Ceremony, and a few others I can't think of of the top of my head. I'll see if I can dig up some pictures to show what I'm talking about after work.

I've often wondered the same thing concerning the vest material. Hopefully your pics will generate some discussion.
I thought we established in the MR helmet thread that the paint scratch patterns and overspray on the MR helmet are based on the PP3.

The MR paintjob is based on the PP3. For some reason, Lee's paint master seems to have been disregarded, and they went with the slightly different PP3 paint scheme with its unique characteristics such as the extra kill stripe, etc.
here's the jackets that I'm talking about. It was used by at least 4 characters in ANH, in slightly different styles. There are some differences between Boba's PP2 and PP3 vests and the jackets, but there are some similarities as well. Putting the pictures side by side I see the differences more than I did before, like the directions of the stripes in the sleeves, but they are about the same amount of padding and look to be similar materials.

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