Fett Helmet History

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Well, here it is. Please note that this info is not written in stone. It is all the info we have researched and compiled TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. If you have extra info or see something that needs to be corrected/clarified, PLEASE let me know.

The original is far too large to post, so here is a link.


Thank you so much. This will make everything a lot simpler.
I realize that's a lot of work but I'm sure everyone will be very thankful.
Cool, I have always read bits and pieces of history, but never took the time to put the pieces together to become educated. This is awesome!
Oh, that's just phenomenal!! That's definitely getting saved as one of the most useful Fett resources out there. :thumbsup:
Thanks for working that up!
You know what I have never understood. I hear it called 'cat eyes' all the time on the helmet. And to me, its not 'cat eyes' its 'eagle eyes'

The eyes are eagle shaped, and with the red on the helmet, looks exactly like a beak.

Just thought id throw that out there:)
You know what I have never understood. I hear it called 'cat eyes' all the time on the helmet. And to me, its not 'cat eyes' its 'eagle eyes'

The eyes are eagle shaped, and with the red on the helmet, looks exactly like a beak.

Just thought id throw that out there:)

I am RIGHT WITH YOU! I have always thought that the "Eyes" version of the helmet really looks like a screaming eagle or falcon.
Hahaha... Maybe someday we could do a small poster run... something like an 18 X 24! There is more info I would like to get first and I'd really have to go back and try to get really good shots of each helmet.

Also, I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I just want to make sure that no one thinks I did all this research. This sheet is a compilation of the work of dozens of Fett fans and friends of TDH! I am afraid to start thanking people for fear of missing someone but I would like to acknowledge Tyler Durdern as I can't tell you how many nights he and I have sat up for hours and hours, with the phone in one hand, a mouse in the other (sometimes swapping out for a scotch or bourbon) and just bouncing ideas off each other, as we scoured 1000s of images trying to find connections.
Art, that is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to do this! Thanks also to everyone who has contributed hours and hours and hours of time scouring over pictures, casts, plugs and talking to people "who were there."

I agree that this would make a great poster! A t-shirt would be cool too.
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