Fett Helmet History

Can we make another search thread about the armors? Or isn't necessary because we don't know too many things? :facepalm
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Can we make another search thread about the armors? Or isn't necessary because we don't know too many things? :facepalm

Tyler and I have been working on it, but right now we don't know nearly enough to make anything close to the helmet history layout. :(
Would love to see this thread as a sticky - perhaps include it in a one stop sticky for those searching for helmet info (I had seen this thread once before and had been searching every now and again since).
Well, sign me up when its ready for print. For it is so very awesome, that I now have a tan just from basking in its glow of awesome, awesomy-ness. :)

............AWESOME! :D :P

I started on a poster sized image, but have just been too busy to finish it up. Maybe some day... :(
It was mentioned that the ESB was possibly used as stunt helmet in JEDI. The only shots I can guess where this was possible are the cool leap from the sail barge and the scream-like-a-girl-with-arms-flailing ones. Can anyone clear this up?

It seems I found the answer to my own question:

I was looking through my copy of SW CHRONICLES and saw the pic of a stuntman running to apparently jump into the side of the barge. It looks like he has one of the ESB helmets on by the earcap detailing.
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Without going into a whole huge story of everything, I will try and explain. The mystery helmet was based off one of the pre pro or production helmets, if I am not mistaken(forgive me, it has been forever since I recalled the history). So Sarges mystery is gonna be very close to the accurate size. The rubies helmet, a gawdawful helmet, is in no way an accurate helmet in size. I own quite a few helmets, one being a Don post, a SGT Fang, MLC and a Boba Maker.

The SGT fang is bigger than the rubies. Rubies is actually a shrunken down helmet. So, if you got a SGT Fang, you got one fine helmet. I don't have any exact measurements, I think TK409s site may have some more info on that.
I started on a poster sized image, but have just been too busy to finish it up. Maybe some day... :(

Could someone aid you in this venture Art?
To maybe relieve some of the workload to get these posters off the ground? are there any guys capable of printing on this board? :thumbsup:
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