Machined westar interest thread/sign up


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys,

I recieved another email from the machinest. He says that he is fully capable of making the blaster's, via automated machinery, using the WOF templates as the design.

He however, will not build a prototype/first set for free (obviously) and I do not have the money to front that myself right now. What he told me, is that based on the quantity of blasters needed, will depend on the price per set. So what I need now is a list of people who are firmly interested in getting these. Right now, there is no limit to the number of people, but YOU MUST BE AWARE, THAT IF YOU SIGN ON THIS LIST, YOU CANNOT BACKOUT. Like I said, the more people that sign up, and commit to this, the price will go down.

This is all per machine programming/time/work costs

Im sure that most are weary of signing for something that has not been made yet, but I can assure you, that Im making sure that these will be as accurate as I can get them. Im sending him references and whatnot to get this done right so that NO one gets screwed over.

The reason you cannot back out of the list is because if you do, the price that was originally set, will increase for everyone else

Once I get a good number, I will send it to him, and he will give me a price.

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is there any kind of pre-liminary price? I would kinda need at least some sort of range. thanks.
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Heya bud, just an idea, but you might look at it.

When dealing with someone like that, you have to sort of play poker with him for lack of a better term, to get the ball rolling. We sort of went through this with the machined ears.

To give a better idea of pricing to the members, just tell him you have approximately 10 members ready to go. He'll give you an estimate. Then, just ask how much that will go down per additional member that signs up. It will give everyone here a basis to gauge wether or not your machinist is in the ball park so the members here know (within a certain tolerance -/+) if they would like to commit for you. And it will tell you, just how many members need to sign up to get the price right where you want it, or where it is acceptable for the membership.

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Heya bud, just an idea, but you might look at it.

When dealing with someone like that, you have to sort of play poker with him for lack of a better term, to get the ball rolling. We sort of went through this with the machined ears.

To give a better idea of pricing to the members, just tell him you have approximately 10 members ready to go. He'll give you an estimate. Then, just ask how much that will go down per additional member that signs up. It will give everyone here a basis to gauge wether or not your machinist is in the ball park so the members here know (within a certain tolerance -/+) if they would like to commit for you. And it will tell you, just how many members need to sign up to get the price right where you want it, or where it is acceptable for the membership.


Yea, I was thinking about giving him that number as a start. Just got back from a long training, and didnt think about that. I'll send him another email soon then. Thanks.
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Alright, sent an email asking about a quote for 10 sets, just as FP said above. Have to wait for his reply
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Thanks man. Like FP said, i need to know a price before i have to commit, and not be able to back out.
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Same here, Once I see a price and think its reasonable then I will be definately want a set.
Until then I cannot really commit but its only a matter of having a rough idea of the cost.

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I would through in a couple of bucks to get the prototype rolling.

PM sent

As for the prototype, I cannot afford it myself, let alone splitting the cost and the cost for just one set alone has not been quoted, but a proto will be significantly more expensive then the price for a set made during the run.

Im still waiting for his response, please bear with me.


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So, based on the other thread, are we talking barrels, or the whole thing? I think there is significant interest in the barrels alone to make it worthwhile just doing the barrels/grip as two seperate items.

Like the others, I would need an estimated price, and confirmation of the above before committing
So, based on the other thread, are we talking barrels, or the whole thing? I think there is significant interest in the barrels alone to make it worthwhile just doing the barrels/grip as two seperate items.

Like the others, I would need an estimated price, and confirmation of the above before committing

The way he's going to be making the blasters are complete, not just the barrel alone. I can ask, but hes just taking way to long to respond to any of my emails, that I cannot get a quick answer
Im still waiting for a response for the quote.

However, this has been bugging me since I started this, is that Im really afraid of not getting a prototype made before an actual run is made.

For obvious reasons, Im afraid that if we dont see what they will look like and then get a run started, that we will get the pieces in and get somthing sub-par or just something wrong that we would be stuck with. Ultimatly it would look really bad on my part, and whoever decides to pay for them will be upset with me about it.

I would really hate to ask for this, but I would really like to get a proto made, so that I can see how they will look and show you as well. As I stated before, is that I cannot front the money by myself to get a single set made, however I can put some money, but I am asking for anyone who is willing to help front money for a proto set. Again, I really hate to ask for this, but this the only way I will be able to get confirmation of the quality of a run piece.

Mediaguy offered earlier to help pay for a proto, wether he is still interested in doing so, that is his choice.

Thank you for your patience

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