JAbbas palace floor plans?


Active Hunter
Does anyone have a good picture of the floor plans to Jabba's palace? There is a book out there with a pretty good shot but I can not find the name of the book and have been scouring google for hours.....If anyone has anything please help!!!
Here's a quick chop job of the pages. You lose a little in the middle, but nothing much really. Click on the smaller image for the full res one.

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Thank you sooooo much that is the exact pic I was looking for!!! So its the technical journal I will have to check out Borders next time they have a sale!! Thank you soooo much!!!!
This would be fun to draw the blueprints for. I can draw them all architecturally sound if you'd guys want me to! I'd have to try to scale everything out though.

Want to scale it out for 3 3/4 action figures Andy??? That is what I am building. I have almost every figure that was in the SE ROTJ that was seen in jabbas palace that hasbro has produced.
And was there a certain place for the ladies who made Jabbas time pass a little quikly? LOL!

That is amazing, "Yours truly" did not know that there was such a floor plan!

Sniff on my dear brothers! Sniff on!
And was there a certain place for the ladies who made Jabbas time pass a little quikly? LOL!

That is amazing, "Yours truly" did not know that there was such a floor plan!

Sniff on my dear brothers! Sniff on!


Sniff on my dear Sniffer! Sniff on! I knew it would come down to this!
You rule!
D'oh! Chris, I totally forgot to bring that book with me to Phoenix. . . :o
I have it sitting here. Maybe if you're not too busy I can meet you someplace in town this week.
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