Holiday special Fett

I'm working on a outfit for the Boba Fett from the holiday special.

I realy need tips on making armor and the weapons.
the animated Fett carries an Amban Phase-pulse blaster and a Sacros K-11 blaster pistol.
in the show, the Amban phase-pulse blaster is a rifle, but the action figure comes with a staff.

which should I go with, staff or rifle?

and one last thing. does anyone know how to make a cheap, but good looking set of gauntlets?


Welcome to TDH, "friend!":lol:

I would VERY strongly encourage you to make the staff. It looks so much cooler if you have it in my opinion. And regarding the armor, there is one major thing to watch out for if you base the design off the action figure: Boba is NOT suppose to have the chest diamond.

Take a look around some of the threads here for the different ways and different materials used to build armor.
Hey, Limited, welcome to The Dented Helmet! :cheers

Do a search for Wizardofflight armor templates and "trash can armor" by Afettfullofdollars, I think. WOF has templates for armor in different sizes. He also has templates for gauntlets although they are not specifically for the Holiday Special Fett, it would be a good start. I think the right gauntlet is essentially the same in all versions of the costume, but the left changes from version to version.

As for materials, whatever you're comfortable or experienced with. Honus made a helmet & armor from chipboard or newspaper board. SD68 and many others have made helmets and armor from large "For Sale" signs. Other people have used Sterilite trash cans for the armor. BTW, people have had trouble gluing the trash can material, but it's good for the armor because there is no gluing required. I'd suggest making a mock-up out of posterboard first. This will let you size everything and see how it all goes together.

Remember that the search function is your friend. :)

I like the staff, also instead of a blaster rifle.
Keep us posted and put up some progress pix. We love pictures. :cheers

Oh, a word of caution:
I did not know how addictive this "project" of mine would be :wacko, so be warned you may end up a complete Fett-head like me. :lol:
I can not take credit for creating the weapon in this picture infact it is a reference photo a member here(whom I cannot remember who sent it to me:cry).I do not own this piece but am slowly making one of my own.
I think this is the stave weapon in question

I have more reference photos,14 to be exact but I dont want to take up room here.Let me know if I need to post any other veiws.By the way I truly love color scheme the animated version of the Fett outfit next to the one from the Comic Strip Fett.
I am the one who made it.

I made it using close scrutiny of the Holiday Special cartoon. I'm actually quite disappointed with Hasbro for their rendition of the rifle. The cartoon CLEARLY has it having a buttstock and several other details, yet the Hasbro rifle is totally different. In fact, I'm surprised they even managed to give it a tunic fork shape.
Excellent craftsmanship :thumbsup:
I am sorry I did not share the credit of being the builder to you that is due

What materials did you use to make it the "horn" out of?
thanks for the weapon tips guys.

but does anyone know what I could use for the Sacros K-11 blaster pistol?
I was thinking about using an air soft gun but I think I need some advice on that.

oh and does anyone know if the 501st will accept the holiday special boba fett? or do i need to switch to the ESB or RoTJ fett

thanks for all the great advice
The tuning fork section was made out of wood cut down with a band saw and then sanded to shape.

When I made and owned the HS Fett costume that is now owned by another member here, it made it into the 501st.
I have another question about the HS Fett.:confused
How do the HS Gauntlets differ from ESB or RotJ?
and would I require the shin tools?
Thanks for all the advice
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