My first Post! Need help with Boba Fett Project

Mr No Stripes

Active Hunter
Hey everyone! this is my first post! I'm a noob :)

I'm getting a Boba Fett costume soon. I am going to go for the ESB look, because I'm using the MR fett helmet (from ESB). I was wondering if you guys had some really good references for painting the armor, and jet pack, also if there are electronics availible for the light on the jet pack.

I'm also going to need some soft parts... gloves, boots, braids, cape, grith, flightsuit, belt, etc. I'm also going to need shin tools and boot spikes.

Anyway, I was wondering where I could get those and the price I should look at for those.

There is a flight suit (weathered) that someone offered to sell me for $200... I was wondering if it was a reasonable price to pay. Also, a vest (weathered) offered to me for $100. I was also a bit concerned as to the accuracy in color as it looked more kaki in color... more ROTJ ish. I thought the ESB was a bluish gray color. what color exacty is the flight suit sappose to be... it looks kind of bluish in the movies, but the one that is being offered to me looks like a grey.

anyway, any help would be great. Thanks
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Well you are in the right spot. All those things you mentioned will take time to list, but can all be found using the search feature on the toolbar. There is a lot of infomation. Some of the things you listed can be scratch built or you can order them from the prop makers/members.
Some of them do small runs periodically or always have some items in stock.

The prices you mentioned about the jumpsuit and vest are around normal. You can purchase a jumpsuit between 130-175.00. The vest is made out of a twill material that they use for the numbers on sports jerseys. I think a member 'batninja' might still be taking orders on these. But I know alot of members are busy with this time of the year coming up. So hopefully you'll be able to get some stuff ordered or on a waiting list. A member called 'Galactic Bounty Hunter' who makes EXCELLENT fett gloves (both versions) But I believe he isn't doing an active run, but is compiling an interest list for the next run.

Glad you are doing the ESB!
Here is a shot of my ESB.


It took me 2 years to get him together. Than I contracted the ugly sickness known as 'endless upgrading'
But as the years go by the members here just keep turning out more and more impressive stuff.

Good luck with the suit! I am sure it is going to look KickaPOO!
TK5019, eh? I knew that number sounded familiar ... you're in the ranks of the DSG! I'd be your GML! I'd be glad to help you with this costume, and I'll send you a PM with some helpful tips on the costume. I have to head back off to work soon, so I'll do this tonight. But I am glad to see you found your way over here.

Well you are in the right spot. All those things you mentioned will take time to list, but can all be found using the search feature on the toolbar. There is a lot of infomation. Some of the things you listed can be scratch built or you can order them from the prop makers/members.
Some of them do small runs periodically or always have some items in stock.

The prices you mentioned about the jumpsuit and vest are around normal. You can purchase a jumpsuit between 130-175.00. The vest is made out of a twill material that they use for the numbers on sports jerseys. I think a member 'batninja' might still be taking orders on these. But I know alot of members are busy with this time of the year coming up. So hopefully you'll be able to get some stuff ordered or on a waiting list. A member called 'Galactic Bounty Hunter' who makes EXCELLENT fett gloves (both versions) But I believe he isn't doing an active run, but is compiling an interest list for the next run.

Glad you are doing the ESB!
Here is a shot of my ESB.


It took me 2 years to get him together. Than I contracted the ugly sickness known as 'endless upgrading'
But as the years go by the members here just keep turning out more and more impressive stuff.

Good luck with the suit! I am sure it is going to look KickaPOO!

Thanks for the info. Pictures look great!
TK5019, eh? I knew that number sounded familiar ... you're in the ranks of the DSG! I'd be your GML! I'd be glad to help you with this costume, and I'll send you a PM with some helpful tips on the costume. I have to head back off to work soon, so I'll do this tonight. But I am glad to see you found your way over here.


awesome! thanks :)
welcome aboard :) I personally am going the other way with my suit, I am going RotJ, but you have a good enough reason for it so ill let it slide :P

As for soft parts, keep an eye out on my thread in the next week... ish... I bought all my soft parts from Lady Sewforus, and she has accomodated me very very well :) Flightsuit, Flak Vest, Neck seal, Boot Spats and Belt/Side Pouches in one order, and im sure that she is taking more oreders still. :) plenty of awesome people here though for everything.. :D

Oh btw stay away from ebay... :p

heres my link to my thread, hope it helps :)

Here are some pictures of my ESB Fett suit. I got it from Ruffkintoy mainly because I loved the colour. It needed to be tailored to my body though.


very nice! Is that at Dsineyland by chance?

where did you get the flight suit... it looks pretty accurate
The first picture was taken in LegoLand in California, the second was at CIV in Los Angeles.

I got the jumpsuit from a member here named Ruffkintoy. It took a ton of tailoring and modifications, most every stitch was redone!
here's a picture of the armor I'll be getting... except unpainted... it's painted ROTJ style... the belt looks ROTJ style too, and I'm not sure if I can change that to match ESB. He hasn't sent me a picture of the jet pack yet... but the flightsuit, vest, and belt were all offered to me as well. Does the armor look ok? Please tell me all flaws about it. The flight suit looks like the wrong color to me.

The helmet looks pretty good. The armor may be a little small, but if you're under 6' tall, it should actually be a good fit. Converting the costume to ESB shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Just make sure you make the modifications to the flamethrower on the left gauntlet. You'll also need a new cape (the one in ESB is tan with a brown stripe), and the ESB sidearm.
well... the helmet I'm getting is not the one pictured... and the armor will come in a kit form... unassembled, and unpainted. Im 6' 1" so im not so sure about it.

What I'm worried about is the accuracy of it... in comparison to the original ESB

now that I look at it... the armor does look pretty small... there are some pretty massive gaps between the sections of the chest plate... in ESB there is hardly a gap.

does anyone out there make an extremely accurate set?
oh shouldve read the post before before putting up the right but still u should do your best and trust me youll be happy with it!
I've given up on the armor I posted... I felt is wasn't as accurate as I'd like. I'm gunna try to look for other options.
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