The fett in person

Sadly I wasnt able to take any pics standing next to it. I had to send my tub back with Batninja who drove it down here on sunday morrning. :(

But I will write up a detailed compare and contrast. I took numorus non flash photos to help us get the colors on the jump suit and helmet better. Between my self and the 501st photographer, DM, Spidey and another fellow whos name escapes me we have about a thousand shots. By breaking some rules I got some there I am sure nobody else got as well as Spidey. So I hope they help... and yes Bracks... we have a shot of the board. :)
Sadly I wasnt able to take any pics standing next to it. I had to send my tub back with Batninja who drove it down here on sunday morrning. :(

But I will write up a detailed compare and contrast. I took numorus non flash photos to help us get the colors on the jump suit and helmet better. Between my self and the 501st photographer, DM, Spidey and another fellow whos name escapes me we have about a thousand shots. By breaking some rules I got some there I am sure nobody else got as well as Spidey. So I hope they help... and yes Bracks... we have a shot of the board. :)

Again, outstanding! Can't wait to see them! :D
I got a few pics taken in my armor next to the suit,
I asked the security chick if I could hop the barrier but she wouldn't allow it. Thanx alot guys!!!!:angry
I'll leave it up to Andy to post them.
I don't think the Jumpsuit is screen used.
It's not the same as the One from FIDM
it looked purple to me too , but I din't really study it since it's not all ROTJ
We'll wait until evan & the guys gget the pics loaded to make a real decision
i can also offer web space... i've got a dreamhost account that i'm not using. 200 gigs of storage and 2tb of transfer a month. then there's my main hosting with 300 gigs / 3tb.
It was too funny watching DarthMiller, SpideyFett, and evan4218 bend in all sorts of positions for hours getting these different shots. DarthMiller wasn't satisfied with his camera's pics, so he went out the next day and bought a new one just to get better pics of Fett! :lol: These guys have tons of pics they'll share.

Spidey has one that will be just about the most unique to this site ever! :thumbsup:

yes ...we have a secret SPIDEYFETT pic that is the single greatest pic ever in the history of TDH

it will be posted SOON!!!!

It was too funny watching DarthMiller, SpideyFett, and evan4218 bend in all sorts of positions for hours getting these different shots. DarthMiller wasn't satisfied with his camera's pics, so he went out the next day and bought a new one just to get better pics of Fett! :lol: These guys have tons of pics they'll share.

Spidey has one that will be just about the most unique to this site ever! :thumbsup:

Hi all, Just wanted to check in, just got back in from C4.....had a great time!!:thumbsup:

Should take some time to sort through all the pictures...

Like everyone else, I was sooooo Happy and Thrilled to see the hero helmet and AOSW Fett face to face with NO GLASS :eek: ....
I think I spent half of my C4 time in the Archives Exhibit...:lol:..when I wasn't eating or at the TDH booth me and Mrs. Spidey were in the Exhibit in Awe....seriously.:lol:

I have to say the moment I realized it was the ESB AOSW hero Fett , and was face to face with it, I had a tear in my was soooooo beautiful!!!!

**On Sunday I talked to the Archivist (and gave her a TDH CARD:lol:), Unfortunatly she asked not to post her name or post any pics of her, which I did take with her...;)...she was extremely gracious.....
I mentioned to her that there weren't any photos of the left bantha skull shoulder bell that always seems to be covered by the cape on the AOSW tour......I also mentioned that there has never been any pics "released" that showed the inside of this helmet (well all of it anyway)....needless to say she was only able to accomodate on only one request....:thumbsup:
So today Britt (Boba_Fetts) I think that's who Evan is talking about "501st photographer", and Darthmiller and Evan4218 were able to get pics of the shoulder from my she did move back the cape to reveal no black streak, as seen on the MOM ROTJ Fett. **

As Evan4218 already mentioned, they seem to have added a RAISED chest diamond center piece....from viewing the pics, as seen from Braks's pics, it's the same chest diamond from the original AOSW exhibit on the Ref CD, but again they seemed to have added the raised piece....pretty cool stuff.:thumbsup:

Now as far as the cape, When talking to the Archivist, she told me that the reason the cape is on backwards is because they tried to put it on correctly this time, But the original connection on the cape was soooo badly damaged and torn that the only way it would stay on was to put it on they wanted to continue with what has been seen throughout the time this Fett has been on tour....(Which came, most recently from Korea) looks like when ever they show this Fett exhibit, we'll continue to see the "Sharpie Boba fett" name...:lol:
She also mentioned the the only thing that is removed during shipping is the Helmet and Jet Pack ,then everything gets crated....which might explain why its never been changed....she did say she did try to turn it around...again way to damaged..

Again...we have a lot to go through, I will say it's not anything we haven't seen...just minor details that were always under glass....:thumbsup:

Will post pics soon..:)

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As Evan4218 already mentioned, they seem to have added a RAISED chest diamond center piece....from viewing the pics, as seen from Braks's pics, it's the same chest diamond from the original AOSW exhibit on the Ref CD, but again they seemed to have added the raised piece....pretty cool stuff.:thumbsup:

**OOPS, correction.....just looked at the REF Pics ...and on the AOSW the raised piece is bad....:p
Although we do have a better pic that does show how raised it really is..:thumbsup:

I think it's easy to get AOSW and MOM confused....

AOSW= ESB hero helmet; and ROTJ suit. (or SE version)
MOM= ROTJ hero helmet; and ROTJ suit.
**OOPS, correction.....just looked at the REF Pics ...and on the AOSW the raised piece is bad....:p
Although we do have a better pic that does show how raised it really is..:thumbsup:

The "better" part is what I am looking forward to! We have had good pics of this suit in the past but with all the guys at C4 that took pics, the better lighting, the lack of glass, and the better photography equipment used, I am betting we are going to see some of the best pics ever and who knows what all we might find! And isn't that what TDH is all about; going from good to great? Thanks for bringing our AoSW/C4 suit ref pics to the next level!
Thanks for spending so much time with it this weekend guys. I can't wait to see the fruits of your labor! It'll be nice to have highly detailed pics without the glass reflections in the way!
Beautiful opportunity and have now addicted to the blissful addiction of Fett....grrrrr! LOL...thanks guys!
Woooh... You guys are really really lucky... How I wish I could have gone to the c4... jsut to see that boba would worth every € spent there... My bad I couldnt go... (when there is no money... there is no money :( )...

Now, my only confort is to know that at least... I would be able to see the pics... thanks to all of you guys !!!

For that... THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! ;)

and... please..... HURRY UP XDDDD I'm dying to see the pics... and off course, in the highest res. please pleasse !!! lol
Having seen the M.O.M. exhibit multiple times and then the excellent reference CDs from Braks of that exhibit, it's exciting to see a bunch of your guys got to take pics without the glass barrier that can normally cause reflections. I bow to you guys for your efforts in sharing another piece of the Boba Fett puzzle with the rest of us. :thumbsup:
This is a set of pics I'm in on getting !!! :thumbsup:

~ Thanks in advance you prop maniacs - :lol:

Glad you didn"t get yourselves "pinched" in the process... 8) :lol:
The "better" part is what I am looking forward to! We have had good pics of this suit in the past but with all the guys at C4 that took pics, the better lighting, the lack of glass, and the better photography equipment used, I am betting we are going to see some of the best pics ever and who knows what all we might find! And isn't that what TDH is all about; going from good to great? Thanks for bringing our AoSW/C4 suit ref pics to the next level!

Yea I think the lack of glass allows everyone to see the true colors..which is what I was most interested in.:thumbsup:
And Trust me, as Lee (R.S) and others have mentioned, the colors are WAY darker than what we all might think....

I think over all Britt (boba_fetts) will have the best pictures, as he had the best camera...(12 mea pixel with zoom lens)

Tambo Fett had a buddy on Friday that also will be sharing his photos, he had a 10 mega pixel camera....Thanks Tambo:thumbsup:

So looks like we will have unlimited resources when it comes to this exhibit..not to mention the VIDEO:eek: Mandalorfett took...:eek:

Thanks....will post pics later today! I promise.:)
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Will there be a new section added to the TDH reference archive for these new pics?
A "Celebration 2007" section maybe?
It might be easier to catalog the pics that way. Can't wait to see 'em!!! :)
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