JW03's Custom Mando

HA! Corey and John, the dynamic duo!

Lookin good, nice job on the color scheme. Weather that flightsuit!!!! ;)

Other than that, it looks great! :thumbsup:
HA! Corey and John, the dynamic duo!

Lookin good, nice job on the color scheme. Weather that flightsuit!!!! ;)

Other than that, it looks great! :thumbsup:

We weathered the flightsuit, and cape yesterday, just forgot to post pics...here they are.
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There ya go! Kudos for you on weathering stuff that almost no other custom mando does! It will tie it all together and look more believable.
Geez it's been awhile since an update, but I havn't had too much time for it because of finishing up school and whatnot (graduate the 19th:thumbsup:). Anyway, I finished the gauntlets, bought a new backplate--because the one I made didn't quite fit the way I wanted it to--and have painted it. I'll get pics up tomorrow, or Sunday.
Looking very good JW03. :thumbsup:

Are you going to have it ready for Adventurecon?

Have been working on getting the attending custom Mandos together for a group picture.

Yes I plan to definately have it finished (probably upgrades to come later) by ad-con. I have the cod piece in the mail now, working on knees soon (upgraded to some from asok, because I snapped one of my other ones, but look at the tip of the gun, I made use of what I still had;) ), and will order girth belt by tomorrow. Here's a couple of more pics.

This is going to be on my cake for the graduation party (which is tomorrow :D ) We're getting an edible image made at a local cake shop


Here's a random one, just for fun ;)
lol, honestly, it isn't installed yet :P, just put it in there so I could get the pic for a cake image It's the right length, just moved a little when I put it on
Alright, Time for an update. I've been in quite a rush trying to get this ready for Ad-Con. Anyway, I got everything except spats, neckseal (got one on, but I'm gettin a different colored one), and a girth belt. I will have all of these by adventure con though.

The helmet...well it's a long story as to why I'm not wearing it, but it is done, minus the T-Visor. The spikes on the boots...don't ask what happened...:D

Let me know what ya'll think:cheers (don't comment too much on the messed up hair:p)



Was tryin to keep from laughing, as a guy in a truck just drove by wondering what the heck I was doing. sorry for the sideways pic...I've tried like three times to get it right... :\
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