Screen Used ROTJ Jet Pack


Sr Hunter
Screen Used ROTJ Jetpack

In total, I have about 5 pictures of the ROTJ jet pack.

Included in my PM to SpideyFett:

I didn't get a chance to get the jet pack out, but believe it or not, the screen used jet pack was made out of foam. That way Boba could fall and roll around without a chunk of fiberglass on his back. The pack itself was extremely beaten up, the rocket had been torn off, along with the left thruster, they both were glued back on. The repair to the pack was pretty poor, the glue was exposed and the thruster wasn't glued on straight.







Is it possible that is the 'stunt' pack used in the Sarlaac scene, and the ones on the MOM and AOSW tours are the Hero packs?
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i want a foam JP!!!

I bet a foam jet pack would not last very long...mostly the paint job on it. Any heavy use would start paint flaking off of it.

I guess they used foam to help protect the stuntman that took the fall?

Falling on Fiberglass couldn't be too comfortable. Plus it and plastic could shatter on impact, thereby ruining the shot.
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depends on what kind of foam though. The kind of latex foam rubber they use in animatronics and puppets is often very soft but has a great tear strength. also remember that things like this can be painted too.

i'm not saying they used anything high quality to make it, just that it's possible that the rotj pack was well made and could hold up.

but behind a glass case I'll never know

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Dude, foam? Marrow Sun I think this is a project you need to tackle! :lol:
After doing your bucket interiors, this should be a walk in the park!:jet pack

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