Aussie Bly going Mando'a.

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Thats realy awsome! :eek: I'm realy diggin' (they don't say diggin' anymore) the Clone Trooper helmet fin!
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Thats realy awsome! :eek: I'm realy diggin' (they don't say diggin' anymore) the Clone Trooper helmet fin!

Who doesn't say "diggin"?! :lol:

This is going to be fan-expletive-tastic! The best this is it's going to be metal, how cool is that?! I'm crossing off days on my calender untill this is ready.
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Hey guys,
sorry about the lack of updates for those following this, but i have just finished most of my vest, and run into a snag;

My backplate wont actually fit my back. If i try to squeeze it in sideways, the top pops out, and vice versa. I'm at a loss of what to do, but am thinking of leaving it off entirely?

It's a Wickedbeard kit going on a loanstar vest, no problems with the front vest armour, as soon as i tried the backplate it all went south.

Suggestions anyone? I might be wrong but i'm pretty sure i'm the only one to have put WB stuff with LS, so it may or may not want to work.

(looking at you on this one big W)
Do you mean it comes off the vest? If so, just put some screws through the top of it and the collar armor, then put nuts in some armor blocks to screw down on it. Thats what I did and it works great.
Do you mean it comes off the vest? If so, just put some screws through the top of it and the collar armor, then put nuts in some armor blocks to screw down on it. Thats what I did and it works great.

i wish that was an optoin for me. WB stuff is good because it is thin, but too thin to screw anything through and into the vest. The whole shape of the backplate is wrong for the vest, and my b ack so i think i'll just leave it off for now.
picture updates!!!!!

i apologise for the delay, but our camera has gone wayward, so here are the pics i managed to get off my phone, please excuse the atrocious quality.

honest feedback is welcome, alot of the soft parts, including belt are not final, they were just scrounged from what i had lying around to make sure everything stayed on. Due to the backplate refusing to fit, i have until further notice decided to leave it off. I will be wearing a full length cloak so i don't suppose it matters...

Anywho, pictures are below, feedback both god and bad welcome:)






I really like that look.Very streamlined and clutter free.Kind of a mandalorian
Love the sword as well.I really need to get me one of those.
Can you post a pic of the backplate being held onto your vest while your wearing it? If I can get a good look at it, then I may be able to give you some options.
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