Need help finding WalMart boots


New Hunter
They dont have any of these in my area......the boots i am looking for are the "faded glory" boots used in a recent mod thread......they are like $20......I need an adult size 10......I am willing to paypal someone the money if they could pick me up a pair.......2 weeks til Halloween and I still need some boots.

any help would be appreciated!

PM if you can help me out

i've been to a couple wal-marts and haven't been able to find them either. they have a similar one at target for $35. they're brown though.
I was at my local wal-mart earlier today and they had quite a few pairs on the shelf; sizes ranging from 9-12 including some half sizes. If you guys want a pair, let me know and I will pick some up and ship them to you.
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