Superjedi's SgtFang helmet

Glad you guys are enjoying this! I'm using my weekend time as much as I can.

Alright, the dome is getting beat up! :) I started at the back, and I'm working my way around. So far I'm about 1/4 of the way around. Here's where it stands:


Everything you see here is silver and gray paint. I haven't added any of the really fine scratches yet. I mapped out the medium/small ones so I could have a good reference point for doing the really tiny ones.



Next, it's onward toward the right temple and "cat scratch." Then continuing to the dent and killstripe area. Lots more detail on the left side. :p

After the dull cote, does the silver turn kind of a "lead" color and get just a little, like streakyish ?

Well, so far the only part I've dull coated is the back section.
It does make the silver a shade darker, and if I look very closely,
there's kind of a very fine "mottled" effect.
But it's not noticeable unless you're looking reeeeeally close.
Kind of like oxidized metal.
Well, so far the only part I've dull coated is the back section.
It does make the silver a shade darker, and if I look very closely,
there's kind of a very fine "mottled" effect.
But it's not noticeable unless you're looking reeeeeally close.
Kind of like oxidized metal.

Mottled....Exactly !!!!

Ok, thanks :thumbsup:
Well SJ, after seeing your work on this project these past few days has shown me how artistically inadequate my "skill" really is...Wow is about all I can say after seeing how easy you make it seem to create a flawless buy'ce. Hopefully I'll get better at this sooner rather than later...

Absolutely amazing how you've got the weathering accurate down to the tenth of a millimeter! Most impressive.

I........can' You make me feel like a putz.:lol: Great work!


Oh man. . . I'm sorry.
I'll stop immediately and toss the helmet out the window. ;)


MF ... please tell me you were there to catch the helmet he just threw out the window!:lol:lol:
PROGRESS--Oct 11th:
OK, I was lazy yesterday and took a day off. :lol:
But I'm trying to keep up some momentum during the week! :thumbsup: I made it past the "cat scratch," around the front of the dome, and started on the main part of the dent. Again, still have all the fine detail to go, but I wanted to get the main part laid in to keep myself motivated.
So here it is as of today.



Man! I may have to send you a freebie sometime to paint one of these up for me!

These are still quite available BTW- My thread in the Cargo hold evidently fell off while I was out sick. PM me for details. :)

Man! I may have to send you a freebie sometime to paint one of these up for me!

These are still quite available BTW- My thread in the Cargo hold evidently fell off while I was out sick. PM me for details. :)


Sarge! Thanks for checking out my thread. :) I'm having fun with the paintjob, and the helmet was a heckuva deal! :thumbsup: I'd recommend one of your casts to anybody.
I dunno about doing another one too soon after this. . . it'll probably take my eyes a couple of months to uncross once I'm done with this one. :lol:
PROGRESS--Oct 12th:
Well, still at my slow "during the week" pace today. Finished up the big scrape trailing back from the dent, and a lot of the silver/gray around the killstripe area. Not much left, and it's driving me crazy! :facepalm Come on, weekend!



The only major areas left to paint are the areas above the "cat scratch," and the crown of the dome. Hopefully I'll get to those tomorrow. :thumbsup:
You could always just go out and get yourself a cat!:lol:lol::lol: Ha ha ha ... anways, great job again with the painting ... the weekend is right around the corner!:cheers
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