Starting a budget costume from scratch

You can rack up 100 bucks in paints alone. Even if you scratchbuild everything, your time isnt free. So do you spend the time working to pay for parts or spent time making the parts yourself. Its really all the same. Your going to spend the same amount of blood sweat and tears/years for a good costume, esp Boba Fett.

That's an interesting way of looking at things but it doesn't quite add up like that. If it did I would think a lot of us would be a lot richer! :lol: I get $120/hr for doing custom jewelry work but I just can't do it at 11:30 at night at home. As a result the labor on my Fett costume is free.

Don't get me wrong- I make great money but I'm on a VERY tight budget. I don't eat out, I go to maybe one movie a year, etc. I just don't have any disposable income. Working extra hours isn't an option for me- I need to spend time with my family. I only work on my hobby after my son has gone to bed and after I've spent time with my wife.

A couple of years ago when my son was four months old he was hospitalized as a victim of shaken baby syndrome :cry (some RPF members might remember this)- it's a long ugly story that I really don't want to get into right now- he's fine now, social services declared us exceptional parents, etc. I never thought I had the capacity to harm another person but if I ever find the person that did it I'll bury them so deep in the ground that the heat from the earth's core will incinerate their body.

As a result of this my wife quit her job (which paid over $60k/year) to work from home to be with our son and we tightened our belts- i.e. no disposable income. Even if I made more money it would be accounted for.

Which means that if I want to make a Fett costume I have to get creative. I have to scrounge for materials and make every dollar count. I added up everything that I used to make my costume (and granted it's still not finished but I do have most all the materials to finish it- except the boots)
and even if I HAD bought everything I still wouldn't have spent over $200.
Because I was able to reuse materials, scrounge, etc. I only spent $20 this Halloween. And the total time I have into construction of my Fett costume so far isn't more than two weeks.

Sorry to be throwing down the gauntlet here but when someone asks for help and all they get is save your money, forget it, shift funds around, etc. INSTEAD of creative ideas to help them make their dream happen it kind of dissapoints me.

Don't get me wrong- I LOVE it when someone takes the time, money, care and patience necessary to make a perfect movie replica. That kind of work gives me something to shoot for. Just because I can't buy a Ferrari doesn't mean I don't like reading about it.......

But not everyone here is trying to make a pefect replica- some of us are just trying to make something that looks good and that we can be proud to say we made ourselves- and do it on a limited budget.

I now know it can be done and it's probably the most fun I've had in some time. :)

I think this is my first rant! :lol:

Thanks! I had a blast wearing it on Halloween! It's VERY true what they say about the upgrade bug.......

As a side note, I kind of went off there! A lot of people did post some really great ideas and useful information and to those who did I apologize.

So, to answer the orignal question: is it possible to make a Fett costume for $100 and have it be decent looking?

YES it is- BUT- you will have to scrounge for materials and/or get creative, have access to all the necessary tools and possibly try to split paint costs with someone. You will have to scratchbuild EVERYTHING.

If you have to purchase all the materials and some tools (paintbrushes, X-Acto blades, etc.) then an absolute minimum of $200 is more realistic.

......And much like me you'll probably still have a ways to go!:lol:

DONT LISTEN TO TEH LIES!!! so far ive spent $21 and i have armor, and bucket(almost done) still have extra For Sale signs, gonna start on the jet pack with it. so yea, it can be done(just a side note-my armor is custom, but still looks really cool, and its sturdy)
after my custom is done, im gonna start on a ROTJ boba fett, then a Jango Fett, then zam wesell(sp?) (just to have, got a extra maniquin from the clothing store that got shut down) and im planning to use the same ways for all of em.
EDIT:just noticed this thread is pretty much dead :lol:
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