interest in an aluminum blaster

After about a year and a half this blaster project is finally coming to fruition!!!! :icon_biggrin:
I must say though... they are turning out very nice. I think they give MR stuff a run for their money! With Jim Shima's help of Hyperdyne Labs we have put together one impressive blaster.





This is the first five assembled with electronics. I have 5 more to build with electronics for people. The sounds are awesome. It sounds just like Zam's blaster in the movie ... which coincidentally is the same sound as the tie fighter .. I believe.

Although they're not really a "new" project it sort of feels like it. I don't get to work on very many "new" projects these days and am missing it!! Soon though.. we'll be catching up and bringing some new stuff out into the light :icon_wink:

These will be in the mail in the next few days. I will contact those on the list who will be expecting the ones in this batch.

I will get to work on the next batch as soon as I can!

thanks again everyone for waiting out this project. I do believe you will be happy with the blaster.
:thumbsup: They look absolutely amazing! Fantastic! Can't wait! :thumbsup:

Well, actually I can wait.... There is no rush for mine, as I've made no progress whatsoever in making my Zam costume. :o At least I know where my roll of Neoprene is! ;)
Under the bed in it's original shipping box like mine? ;) At least I've opened it up and did unroll it to remove greeblies from the middle :o
:lol:Well, mine is down in the basement in its original shipping box, lying on a pile of plastic bins full of fabric... and I opened it up just long enough to take out the greeblies, too. They're in a crate with all my other neglected Zam bits. :o I may not be making any progress putting Zam together, but I know where all the parts are! (mostly) :zam
I am starting my Zam costume and am looking for a blaster. I was wondering if you have anymore that you are making? If you do, let me know. I would like to get one. Thanks
All of the aluminum ones in this run are accounted for. I doubt that I'll be doing another run of them. I do still offer the resin blaster kits if you are interested please feel free to send me a pm. :)

I updated the list in the first post. Those first five blasters have been shipped to the first people on the list who paid for electronics.

I've poured the resin kits for the next 4 blasters and have picked up all the electronics from Hyperdyne and will start on those 4 as soon as I can.

We're getting there!!! Only 1 year and 5 months since the first payment came in :wacko yikes!!

... oh... I had a dream that every one of the members here were at an event and no matter whether people had their zam stuff on or not, everyone was dressed in shades of zam colors and sitting on a small bleacher. I remember saying you guys looked like a big lilac flower ;) .... wierd!! .... I guess I do dream in color ...
Weeha! I'm on the shipped list! Thanks SO much Cal for all of your hard work and patience with this project!
Pm coming your way MonCal.

My address has changed since I sent in payment. I figure I should update it before you start working my blaster.
I updated the list in the first post. Those first five blasters have been shipped to the first people on the list who paid for electronics.

I've poured the resin kits for the next 4 blasters and have picked up all the electronics from Hyperdyne and will start on those 4 as soon as I can.

We're getting there!!! Only 1 year and 5 months since the first payment came in :wacko yikes!!

... oh... I had a dream that every one of the members here were at an event and no matter whether people had their zam stuff on or not, everyone was dressed in shades of zam colors and sitting on a small bleacher. I remember saying you guys looked like a big lilac flower ;) .... wierd!! .... I guess I do dream in color ...

It would be funny to see everyone sitting there like that. Hum..preminition? ;)

I got my PM. I can not contain my excitement that's it's almost here!! The days aren't going to go by fast enough!
... oh... I had a dream that every one of the members here were at an event and no matter whether people had their zam stuff on or not, everyone was dressed in shades of zam colors and sitting on a small bleacher. I remember saying you guys looked like a big lilac flower ;) .... wierd!! .... I guess I do dream in color ...
Actually, that may be as close as I get to finishing Zam for a long time! :o Maybe I should start looking for clothes in appropriate Zam hues so I'll be ready...:lol:

Thanks for arming us Zams!
Hey everybody,

Those blasters are awesome looking. I'm looking for one of those myself. If there's anybody wanting to sell one or knows where I can buy one, the info. would helpful.

Great Googly Moogly!:eek:
You KNOW that you're working on too darn much Zam stuff when the whole world is dressed like a grape! :lol:
... oh... I had a dream that every one of the members here were at an event and no matter whether people had their zam stuff on or not, everyone was dressed in shades of zam colors and sitting on a small bleacher. I remember saying you guys looked like a big lilac flower ;) .... wierd!! .... I guess I do dream in color ...
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Well, the wait was trying. The blaster is amazing though. For some reason, I had always thought of this as a particularly dainty blaster. I guess the handle looking like a Gilette women's razor helped cement that impression. This thing is pretty substantial though. The paint is just a slight bit sticky, but I guess that will change soon.
WOW.....guess what I got today!!! It's sooooo fantastic Cal! Definitely worth the wait! Thanks again for all of your hard work with this project!
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