SGB Jumpsuit


Active Hunter
After all the recommendations to get a skygunbro jumpsuit and vest I did.:cheers

Very pleased! Superb quality and perfect fit!
I highly recommend SGB!!

had him make my jango suit & vest. Nice stuff. One suggestion, if he's making you a jango suit have him only put 1 stitch seam on the short sleeve, around the bottom portion. I guess this is a boba detail. Jango only has 1. Still, a very nice product, worth the money, and he's very quick.

Those look great
I have tried to get a ROTJ jumpsuit from him but to no avail, he has yet to respond to an email!
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evan4218 said:
Those look great
I have tried to get a ROTJ jumpsuit from him but to no avail, he has yet to respond to an email!


I know Jason stays busy but he replied to my email within a day and had my ROTJ stuff to me within 2 weeks. Double check your email, it should be skygunbrojpw

Don't want to just throw the whole email out there without Jason's permission.

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I have a SGB suit, vest and neck seal. I am very happy with it. The neck seal is a little tall for my taste, but I can make it work. Jason is a little slow at getting back with folks (it seemed that way for me at least), but he will sooner or later. I waited about 4 weeks for my suit, and it was worth every minute of it. It fits like a glove! Please allow me to insert my SGB plug here.
Buckeye, if your neck seal works for ROTJ I might take it off your hands... I need one and have a long neck. I am 6' 5" so things need to run long for me! :)

I will wait and see if I hear from him.
That's a thought, but I just weathered it to match my vest last night. I'm not sure what TK's look like in person. I do like the fact that my seal matches my vest. I know you can't see it all that well, but it just makes me feel better about my suit.
Delta75 said:
After all the recommendations to get a skygunbro jumpsuit and vest I did.:cheers

Very pleased! Superb quality and perfect fit!
I highly recommend SGB!!

I have been trying to get a hold of him but I am getting no replies. I want a SGB jumpsuit!!
Maybe its my computer but has anyone noticed his website has stuff missing, like all of the links? I, too, e-mailed but with no responce...

Does anyone know if all is well in the SGB world?
Im still Please email me direct at yahoo most of the time is pretty reliable but in the last week or so its been flaky i called them and the problem has been resolved.So anyone that emailed me and I didnt respond I appologize....
As far as my site goes I took it down for updates and havent finished yet so i left the generic linkless page up. I have enough material right now to do 4 ESB suits and 2 ROTJ suits....Later
Might be a little late but, anyone know what happened to SGB again? I've been trying to contact him and nothing seems to be getting through. I pmd him about a suit 2 weeks ago and no response, so I emailed him 4 days ago and no response.

I hope he's ok, this just doesn't seem like him.
I am sure he is fine, and super busy as usual. Give him some time, he will surface. :) It took me a few weeks to get ahold of him for my Jumpsuit. Keep trying him on that email. He will reply when he can.
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