Boots dilema


Active Hunter
Ok I got some CA boots for my Fett display. Problem is the mannequin I use has to have a metal pole running into the bottom of the right foor to keep it upright. Boba is currently slightly barefoot at the moment! I really don't know if I should cut a small hole in the bottom of the CA boots to get the pole in or whether I should find another way of mounting the mannequin.

I don't troop my Fett as I'm one of those short Luke Skywalker Stormtroopers and the armour looks so much better on display. What do you guys think?


Hmm, that's a good question. I would honestly be inclined to not cut a hole in the boots, just in case there ever is a chance somewhere down the line that you want to wear the costume.

All I can offer is what I would do for my costumes. Since I plan to wear them/do wear them, I wouldn't put a hole in the boot to accomidate the rod. I'd either leave the shoe off, or see about moving the rod, if it can be done and put the shoe on.

I hope this helps out in some little way.
I got the same problem with mine bro. I have debated cutting a hole in my boot, but I dunno. I mean, I should still be able to wear em as long as I'm not walking in mudpuddles right!!!! And how often do you show people the bottom of your shoes???/ I dunno...its a tough decision!!! I rember a while back FP had a special kind of hook system on his that attached to the back of the leggs. but I never did find out for shure what he used there.
hmm... if you really aren't gonna wear it... a hole in the bottom wouldn't be too bad...

I did this temporal thing on my mannequin, but that was mostly because my mannequin didn't fit the boots (had to saw the heels off etc), fill up the toes and then paint them... people noticed when they stared... but it wasn't too obvious.

can't you find one of those metal bars that goes over the heel into the back of the leg? that's what my mannequin uses to stand tall.
Putting a hole in those expensive shoes... not me.
I have my mannequen without the base used. I just lean him into a corner. Just a thought. Maybe you can attach something to the back of the boot/foot for the base. Follow me. maybe string up the base to the back of the boot. I'm just brainstorming here.

cant u just slip the boot on, like you do when your shoes are laying there and u jsut hafta run outsidereal quick (IE, wedge your foot into the back kinda just steping on the back of the shoe)...ya dig??
I have the same problem with a MC trooper boot and a mannequin, and with a $200 2nd WWW officer boots for my Vader mannequin...

I wont wear it at all, but I wont make a hole in the soooo expensive boots just to hold the mannequin in place... I will destroy all my brain to think about another solution, but I can assure you that I Will NEVER drill a hole in ANY of my boots...

Too much money on there to F@*! it up :P.

My 2 cents.
seriously, if I would be certain never to wear it I really wouldn't have a problem drilling a hole in the soles of my boots.

anyways, you could always ask CA for deffects, a wrong produced boot and drill a hole in that one...
I've got an xwing pilot costume and did drill a hole in the bottom of those boots and it looks awesome on my mannequin. But then again, the boots were $25 specials from Sportsman Guide, so I wasn't going to be out big money if I messed them up.

Tough call, that's for sure.
Just get a couple long wooden a couple thick broomsticks side by side, and make a nice base with holes in the middle to stick it in and run it behind your mannequin, the just make your ammo or rope belt wrap around the broomsticks and that will keep him upright for ya.
Worked for me for a cheapo route.
Dont cut hole the the boots!
Just get 1/2" pipe..24" long
2 or 3 adjustable pipe brackets and attach pipe to back of manequin calf....hope this makes sense
Omega_Man said:
Dont cut hole the the boots!
Just get 1/2" pipe..24" long
2 or 3 adjustable pipe brackets and attach pipe to back of manequin calf....hope this makes sense

What Omega Man said....just secure a mounting rod/pipe/stick to the calf and then to the base from behind so it won't be seen from the front. It can go up the pant leg and attach to the calf and shoot out right out the bottom.

Omega_Man said:
Dont cut hole the the boots!
Just get 1/2" pipe..24" long
2 or 3 adjustable pipe brackets and attach pipe to back of manequin calf....hope this makes sense

Right on!!!!! think I'm gonna go that route. Thanx for the idea OM;)

try somethign similar to this. I think this is what the guys are talking about.

sorry to revive an old thread, but i've got a similar problem. My mannequin works the same way, i've come up with what I think is a good solution based on the picture above, but the mannequin's feet are too big for my boots. I've started trimming them but still can't get them to fit. I was thinking about lopping the feet off all together, but will I loose stability?
Well, you could do the metal rod up the leg (like in the pic) and use a few hose clamps to attach the post to the leg, as for the feet, you "could" cut them off and replace them with "L" brackets that would be easier to get into the boots, and still give you some stability. You might even be able to use shelf brackets...
I was thinking of getting the cedar shoe stretcher things and running the handle part into the leg and somehow gluing them in.

I've got a metal pipe that fits over the post in the stand and then was going to use pipe clamps around the leg and pipe under the pant leg.
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