BKBT Ab Plate Modification


Well-Known Hunter
I've been meaning to address this for awhile now. I know the original ab plate needed some tweaking & now that I've come back to it fresh, I can see where some of the problems were. Pictured is the old plate rub n buffed, & the new plate in primer. Let me know what you think before I mold this up. I'll try to get to some digital overlays in the next couple of days unless someone else beats me to it;)

Also, for those of you that already own my chest armor set, this mod can be done without major surgery. I'll be posting a quick how-to if the mod gets general acceptance.



Looks about right, compared to the old ab plate. The angles appear more obtuse, and look as if it "flows" better with the rest of the chest armor.

The edges are not extended, all of the reference material I have shows the sizing to be about right. It all comes down to proper placement of the armor plates & the curvarture of the ab plate. I only trimmed the top of the ab plate & reshaped it.
Perhaps this will show what I'm trying to achieve. Also, correct armor placement is critical. The bottom of the two chest plates needs to be tweaked in a bit.

ab plate tdh.jpg
I Like, I like!

Looking good as always Vince!

I guess you know who's going to get one of these....ME!

The modifications continue!
Guys, no need to replace your existing ab plates. I heated the original plate with a heat gun & flared the sides out some more. I guess when I shaped the original plate I shaped it over more of a ball shape:lol:

The biggest difference is in the height or tallness of the plate. I trimmed approximately 1/4" from the top & changed the angle. The original angle matched the chest plate but there should be a slight difference. I'll post some more measurments in the next couple of days so anyone who wants to do this can make the change.

Also, I did make a completely new plate that had longer side extensions & you can tell by looking at a side shot that it is not as accurate. I'll post pics of this as well for comparison.
Hey Vince. Any new information about this mod. I might be able to try and do it from what I see in your picture, but then you would just be pulling a new ab plate for me the next day. :lol:
I was just checking to see if you had the measurements Vince. I am going to do this soon. Also, I was just seeing if BKBT was okay. I haven't seen him on the boards lately.
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