Sr V3 Center Greeble For Stock - ESB EE3 Webley Kit


Well-Known Hunter
I am sure some of you can relate to what I am about to post. I did a run of webleys last year, and at the last minute, had to re-fabricate the center greeble. While many people like them, and they are decent, I was never happy with it.

Recently, I decided to brush off my webley, and make new, better molds so I could do another run. While dusting, I decided to re-visit my stock greebles.

I first did a cad design of what I thought it should look like eyeballed. I then used my home built cnc machine and it turned out as I wanted it with only one piece being slightly out of place.

So, without further ado, here is the pic of the new SRV3 stock greeble. I intend to include these in the new webley kits. I have a lot of time in the drawing, research, and money in the final sla of the piece so I am not sure what I would sell them for seperately.

Keep in mind while viewing the pics, that my part is laying at a slightly different angle.

The only piece I think is slightly off, is the diode/globe up top. Its a little far from the wall. I did it this way so I could cut it CNC, then decided to pay the price to sla it.

It is too late to re-cut it, but I am still interested in your feedback.


I intend to announce the new run within the week. Thanks for looking.
Awesome. Are you going do do that other parts too? I'm in for a set. I would love to have all six of these parts in rubber.
Wow, very nice! I have been meaning to start looking for this part, but just haven't had the time to do so. Would love to get this nailed and be done with it.
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