WIP: First helmet build, using sheet metal


New Hunter
Hello guys,
First time attempting to build a helmet of any kind. Made the first test fit helmet out of paper, just to see how well it fit. Turned out to be a bit too small for me so I scaled the whole thing up 3%. Worked out nice.

First up is the paper one scaled up. IMG_20130130_223503.jpg

Then I used sticker paper to print out the templates (thank you everyone who has created templates and posted them to share, KUDOS!!!)
Used an electric disc cutter and a jig saw to get then all cut out.


Still a work in progress, I'll get more posted up as I go along.
I've always wanted a Boba Fett helmet that was made of steel or even bulletproof like a soldiers helmet. A full field grade suit would be the ultimate dream haha.

Keep it up. Can't wait to see the finished look.
Thanks guys, haven't had the most time to work on my helmet. I did get all the pieces cut out and spent some time on the keyhole thingie for the back.



WOW! You did a great job with my helmet templates! I know that is a bit hard to do the ears and the rangefinder from scratch (using cardboard or sintra), but seeing that you did all this using metal sheets, you have my deepest respect and admiration! Just keep up with the already awesome work!
Yeah, they are super tricky. I get a bit anal about the evenness and proportions, so I've been grinding and doing filler welds, then grinding those down. My range finder "mast" is a bit off, so I might redo that one. It's actually going pretty well, no huge snags yet, but it's still early. Funnest project I've done in a while. Thanks for the support, it's really keeping the motivation going.

Keep on keepin' on.......
This is amazing... I can't believe you are doing this with sheet metal. Serious credit for tackling something like this, and for being so **** good at it. I really looks fantastic so far.
That is incredible work so far. Going to be keeping a close eye on this thread for sure, have been thinking of doing the same thing but with aluminium as i have loads at home, have started doing some mock up body armour to see how i gt on. Think its time to print out some templates though. Inspiring stuff, respect to you sir!
Aluminum would be awesome, go for it!

A tiny update, I just welded a few seams. The helmet has taken the back burner for a while. But It'll get a good go next week.

Was doing some touch ups and tacking some spots on the dome, then I realized I made the lower "ear" section below the range finder backwards!!!!!!! haha, minor set back, I'll get a better one made as soon as I get the time.

Quick tip, don't rush and always double check before doing permanent work.
Ok, it's been some time now. Didn't abandon the project, other things had to come first. Anywho, go the dome slightly tacked to the bucket, the left ear tacked up, remade the right ear piece correctly, and test fit one of the computer chip boards in the keyhole thingie.

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