Sgt. Fang progress


Active Hunter
After aquiring this beauty from BATNINJA, I couldn't wait to get started. Hope I'm doing you proud batninja. I decided to just wing it instead of using the stencils. Fruther progress will follow.Comments/ suggestions welcome.:)

new size 3.jpg
Yeah. Bout 4 hours into it so far. Got to tell ya, you did a bee-u-ti-full job with the prep on this. I can't wait to get to it again. The ROTJ paint job was a breeze compared to this. No, you can't have it back:lol:.
Had time to do some more painting today. Got the ears done (I think) and added some more weathering. Still have to add in some maroon/ caboose in between the grey and silver but it is finally taking shape. Can you tell I'm avoiding the back? It frightens me to put brush to helmet there:facepalm.



Whoa...Beautiful paint job there! I'm so jealous! I was hoping my paints would come in today but they haven't:angry

Anyways...Can't wait to see more progress and especially the finished product, again, Great Job
Thanks very much guys! It has been fun so far. The base color on the back (I assume you mean the "tan" looking color) was applied by Batninja before I bought the helmet. I believe it is called "concrete". When I'm done with this, I'll probably sell the remaining paints in the cargo hold. They are all floquil and ployscale. I have a little hooby shop near me that still sells ALL of the paints on the AFFO$ list.
Yeah, I was talking about the base color on the back. I see the right ear appears to be Panzer Dark Yellow, but the back looks a little lighter. I like it
For the right ear, I used an acrylic called 'Earth'. Awesome color, and looks completely different once the other colors are applied. Weird.

This project is looking awesome!
Ohhhhh... Not very fast my friend..I have taken a liking to the painting thing. I find it very theraputic. I have found ALOT of great reference pics here on TDH and I simply mimic what others have done. I think you will find that everyone here will tell you when starting a project...DONT BE IN A HURRY! I do find it enjoyable though.:)
That was about right. It really moved along smooth for some reason. I think I was just excited to get started. The other stuff has gone much slower.

Just to clarify also, the helmet came to me from Batninja with all of the base colors already applied. I think he spent months preping the bucket.
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