Mini-Mandalorian Build Thread

I am currently working on my son's Mini-Mando. I have built a custom Mando for myself over a year ago, and my 8 year old son wants to go with me on JediOKC gigs, so I decided to do it. It's been fun. Here are the build pics of the helmet. I still have to do the visor, but would like to know what you Nervods think...

Started with a kids SWAT team helmet and wrapped it in Sintra...

Some Bondo Later...


...then painted and son wearing it proudly...


I think that front brow helps for glasses wearing under the helmet? If that wasn't the intent, then you found it by accident. =)

So far so good for a kids rig Jai. Glad to see you still into mando gear, every time we see you at DCon your in your proton pack. I hope 2009 you and your verd'ika will troop the parade with us! =)
This thread is more than 15 years old.

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