Boba Fett ESB Helmet Paint Stencils

Rich D

Active Hunter
This is the thread to post paint/scratch templates/stencils for Boba Fett's helmet, ESB version. Let's do a separate thread for the ROTJ version.

AFettFullofDollars said:
Here's a quick update of the stencils that will be offered to the board for use in painting an ESB style helmet. I don't use a stencil for EVERY scratch and scrape, so there may be some missing. Also this is just an update, so there will be others added. I have to finish Shabad's helmet then I sould have enough time before my next painting project to finish these out. Also, this can be a GROUP project. Jango Fett Jr was kind enough to let me use the 'dent' stencil he used on his helmet for this project, and I have contacted other members who have expressed interest in helping me get these scanned and posted to the board for everyone to download. This is not a 'money' project, so no fees will be charged for the stencils.

AFFO$'s original thread was deleted by accident. Will the contributors to the previous thread please repost their templates? I can recall AFettFullofDollars, Evan4218, and mrgr8ness having posted, maybe others?

Other useful links:


Here are templates for the red mandible area. Here's a preview of what the PDFs look like. Composite and color separations are posted. Also, these are in PDF vector format, so you can adjust print size to fit whatever helmet you're painting. The ones I'm doing are based on the "Art of Star Wars exhibition" paint condition (some extra scratches), scaled for wizardofflight's helmet templates.



  • AoSW ESB Mandibles Composite v1.pdf
    160.3 KB · Views: 6,000
  • AoSW ESB Mandibles Separations v1.pdf
    786.8 KB · Views: 5,028
Upper Cheeks

Here are PDF templates for the upper cheek areas.



  • AoSW ESB Upper Cheeks Separations v1.pdf
    217.9 KB · Views: 3,651
  • AoSW ESB Upper Cheeks Composite v1.pdf
    76.1 KB · Views: 4,085
Lower Cheeks

Here are PDF templates for the lower cheek areas.



  • AoSW ESB Lower Cheeks Composite v1.pdf
    31.6 KB · Views: 3,757
  • AoSW ESB Lower Cheeks Separations v1.pdf
    147.3 KB · Views: 3,425
Back Green Areas

Here are PDF templates for the back green part of the helmet.



  • AoSW ESB Back Green Panels Separations v1.pdf
    941.1 KB · Views: 4,016
  • AoSW ESB Back Green Panels Composite v1.pdf
    192.7 KB · Views: 4,355
Back Red Areas

Here are PDF templates for the back red part of the helmet, including the keyslots.



  • AoSW ESB Back Red Areas Composite v1.pdf
    185.9 KB · Views: 3,677
  • AoSW ESB Back Red Areas Separations v1.pdf
    793 KB · Views: 3,549
Kill Stripes

Here is a PDF template for the kill stripes, with some of the surrounding detail. I'll post color separations later.



  • AoSW ESB Kill Stripes Composite.pdf
    55.5 KB · Views: 4,946
DANG CD! Your stencils make mine look like a kindergartener with a crayon! Excellent work! I'm actually using YOUR stencils on my BKBT conversion helmet and they work like a charm. Thanks for all of your hard work.
I've just printed these out but they are not the right size for the helmet, i.e. too small!

How do I resize them to be printed out?
I've just printed these out but they are not the right size for the helmet, i.e. too small!

How do I resize them to be printed out?

You may have to try increasing the size gradually until they fit.
If you printed one at 100%, try printing at 105% and see if that works. Print in grayscale to save on your color till you have the size dialed in.

Also, depending on which helmet you're working on, you may have to slightly alter the size of each individual template. (Just because you make "Template A" 104% doesn't necessarily mean all templates will work at 104%. . . know what I mean?)
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